Today, 02:49 PM   #1

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Posts: 1

rx3715 iPaq File Store Problems Hi, Today it was all going all right with my iPaq rx3715 until I tried to copy something on the iPaq File Store, and my iPaq Hanged so I made a soft reset.

After that, I opened the iPaq File Store with the file explorer and I wasn´t able to delete or copy files there, and if I try to erase all the files there, my iPaq hangs and I have to make a reset.

Can somebody help me?


Today, 05:23 PM   #2

Registered User


Join Date: Jan 2005

Posts: 12

I am almost positive that your units filestore is dead. This happened to me with 3 different rx3715’s. Try formatting the filestore. If this doesnt work then you will have to send it in to HP to be repaired. My advice would be to request a new unit. HP tried to fix my first failed unit, and sent it back in the same condition. I had to wait 4 weeks for them to not fix it! I really feel for you. Good luck with the format.

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