04-22-2005, 06:41 AM   #1

Registered User


Join Date: Feb 2005

Posts: 9

Server Synchronization with rx3715

Hi all, I was browsing my pocket pc and i saw an option to synchronise the pocket pc qith a server. How can I define a server to synchronize with it? does this replace the phisical cable? do I with a wifi conection can also synchronise my contacts with outlook. Can anyone please describe me better this funcionaly? Thanks in advance.


04-22-2005, 10:07 AM   #2

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Join Date: Apr 2005

Location: Troy, MI

Posts: 11

Doing this requires OMA support on your Exchange Server, which unfortunately my office currently has disabled. Instead, I synchronize with Outlook which already has my contacts, calendar, etc. from Exchange. The advantages of direct server synchronization are that you do not have to maintain Outlook and you can get updates from anywhere you can establish a connection to your office Exchange Server. It will work with WiFi, Bluetooth connection through a Bluetooth cell phone, or any other means you can use to get on The Internet with VPN or directly if that is allowed by your office. Since I cannot do this at present I cannot give you specifics, but I know you will need to get the following information from your office to get set up: 1) Verify that your office Exchange Server supports OMA 2) Determine what method(s) are allowed for Exchange Server access at your company: VPN or direct Internet (if direct, you will want to use SSL so that your data is safely encrypted as it travels to/from your PDA and the Exchange Server) 3) Your Exchange Server name or address, your account name, domain, and password. I have been asking for OMA support for a while and I think they are finally starting to bend here. If you have trouble getting it set up please reply back and I’m sure others that are already doing this can share their experience. Thanks,


HP HX4705 (Windows Mobile 2003SE), Palm Tungsten C, Newton MessagePad 130

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