Today, 11:37 AM   #1

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Join Date: Apr 2005

Posts: 12

is there any way to back up all of your settings and other data?

I am getting a replacement 6600 due to reboots. I don’t want to have to go through hours of replaccing info and settings. Is there anyway to backup everything so that the new phone will be setup exactly like the old phone? perhaps there is a way to back it up to the SD Card?

Today, 02:48 PM   #2



Join Date: Jun 2004

Location: Atlanta, Ga.

Posts: 1,088

The iPaq’s have a built in backup program that can save all the data to a SD card. I do not know if the 6600 has this program or not. Look under programs to see if any program is named for backup.

Also, Activesync has a backup feature. Backup all the data to your hard drive. Then when you get the new unit you connect as guest (that step is important, do not setup a partnership with the new 6600) then choose restore off of the Activesync menu and it will restore all the data to the iPaq and re-setup your existing Activesync partnership.

__________________ Reidan Moderator, Dave’s iPAQ Dave’s iPAQ is not affiliated with HP

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