Yesterday, 11:09 PM   #1

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Reasons for Delay (and no GPS)

An interesting post on concerning the possibility of no immediate GPS support for the built-in GPS receiver in the 6500. Also, some insight into why the 6500 has been delayed. Thanks, blueshockeynut…

Today, 02:33 AM   #2

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I think the delay will be worth it if they are able to bring out a device which actualy works well, unlike the 63xx devices when they were first released.
Still, it looks like a great device!

Today, 02:46 AM   #3

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Originally Posted by Michaelk

I think the delay will be worth it if they are able to bring out a device which actualy works well, unlike the 63xx devices when they were first released.
Still, it looks like a great device!

Agreed. I’d rather them wait and throughly test the device before launch. I also hope the GPS service provider they select won’t charge per city map (as I believe Tom Tom’s business model is). That’s insane.

Of course, the longer they wait on releasing the Mobile Messenger, the greater the expection that it *ship* with Windows Mobile 5.

Today, 02:49 AM   #4

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Exactly. To have Windows Mobile 5 on the hw6500 would be the icing on the cake
Only thing that would be missing would be WiFi, but thats supposed to be available on the 6700. I assume that 6700 would most defiently have Windows mobile 5 on it as well since a release date hasn’t be specified yet.
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