05-09-2005, 03:19 PM   #1

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HELP!! Activesync not Synching inbox e-mails???

Hi Folks, I have a problem with activesync synching my inbox e-mails to my outlook. Here is what happens: a.) I put my iPaq in the cradle and wait for it to synch b.) It starts the synching process c.) It synch’s the Calendar, Contacts, Notes, etc, but when i get’s to the bottom, (where the inbox is at) it starts to synch only 2 or 3 items then it just stops. This is odd and has not happened before to me. I have rebotted my PC and soft resetted the iPaq a few times, as well as disconnected and reconnected the USB cable, all with the same result and no success. Any suggestions or help with this????


05-09-2005, 03:27 PM   #2

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(from dim memory) I had something funky like that happen, once, when there was something “wrong” with the email message on the PC side; e.g., dates out-of-whack. I’d suggest examining the headers of the email messages, from Outlook on the PC, to see if you notice anything odd at (or immediately following) the message at which it “stops”. When you say it “just stops”, I assume you mean that, from the iPaq’s point of view, it *looks like* it thinks it succeeded… but, you know, from looking at Outlook on the PC, that stuff is missing?

(Also, of course, check available memory on the ipaq; are you configured to store attachments on a storage card?)

05-09-2005, 03:47 PM   #3



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Originally Posted by Profiler

Any suggestions or help with this????


Make sure that you have shutdown Outlook entirely before attempting to Sync. I find that if Outlook is open when trying to Sync, that problems you describe will occur sometimes…. __________________ Elrendhel Moderator, Dave’s iPAQ Dave’s iPAQ is not affiliated with HP

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05-10-2005, 12:22 PM   #4

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It doesn’t give me any kind of error message, it (iPaq) just assumes that it has synched all the data, but when i check it on the iPaq, it still has old e-mails fron a week ago. I also have all my attachments going onto the storage card. I also tried to uninstall/reinstall Activesync. but no success. Any other suggestions????? Thanks.


Originally Posted by bmayhew

(from dim memory) I had something funky like that happen, once, when there was something “wrong” with the email message on the PC side; e.g., dates out-of-whack. I’d suggest examining the headers of the email messages, from Outlook on the PC, to see if you notice anything odd at (or immediately following) the message at which it “stops”. When you say it “just stops”, I assume you mean that, from the iPaq’s point of view, it *looks like* it thinks it succeeded… but, you know, from looking at Outlook on the PC, that stuff is missing?

(Also, of course, check available memory on the ipaq; are you configured to store attachments on a storage card?)

05-10-2005, 08:12 PM   #5



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Double click on your ActiveSync session on your PC, choose “options”, then Sync Options tab (defaults here). Select each item in your list (Calendar, etc) and choose the “Select” button where it is available, making sure that the subsequent page shows a bullet in the option/choice “Synchronize All (appointments, contacts, etc).”

I’m hoping you will find one or two of your settings are mis-configured.

__________________ Elrendhel Moderator, Dave’s iPAQ Dave’s iPAQ is not affiliated with HP

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05-11-2005, 11:19 AM   #6

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Elrendjel, I tried this and does not appear to be any mis-configured settings. Something i did notice is that it synchs the calendar, tasks, contacts, just fine but not the any of the inbox e-mails. As a matter of fact i noticed that when it showed the number of inbox items it is suppose to sync, it showed it as almost double the number as i have in my inbox. Very odd. Any other suggestions??


05-11-2005, 11:23 PM   #7

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Please forgive me for asking a couple things which “should be well-known”… no insult is intended! 1. You’re only attempting to sync your Inbox with one PC, right? (Syncing with two, e.g. home and office, is not supported for Inbox) 2. Within Inbox on the iPaq, click the word “Inbox” immediately above your list of messages… this exposes the folder structure that has been downloaded to the iPaq. Browse around, within it, to see if the “missing” messages have been put somewhere “they don’t belong”. (This drives me nuts… I have my ISP’s email set up as a distinct service on my iPaq, but, when I direct-download my email — e.g. with a direct modem connection into the iPaq — it puts the messages into the ActiveSync folder, rather than into the folder-tree which corresponds to the distinct service. Once there, they can’t be moved to the folder-tree where they belong; and, since ultimately my PC is fed from the same mail server as the iPaq-on-a-modem… it gets quite confusing to sort out which messages are where and why.) 3. You wrote, “when i check it on the iPaq, it still has old e-mails fron a week ago” (after syncing). Well, those should indeed still be there, unless you deleted them on one side or the other (and I’ve generally found the behavior to be non-intuitive)… but you should also see the newer email, as long as your timeframe-settings on the PC side cover the messages in question (ActiveSync->Tools->Options->Inbox->Settings) … although, of course, you may need to scroll down on the iPaq to see the new ones, depending on your sort settings). Bottom line: I’ve found the Inbox syncing to be the LEAST reliable, and least intuitive, functionality that ActiveSync offers. I’ve got 3-year-old “ghost” messages in my iPaq Inbox, in the ActiveSync folder tree, which are neither openable nor deletable, and I believe they were deposited there via one of the crossed-services situations described in #2 above… some day I’ll need to do a hard-reset to re-introduce some sanity.

I’ve also seen the “double-the-number” symptom, but it’s been a while; I *think* it resulted from moving (or deleting) email on the iPaq, and the results of that activity needing to be sync’d back TO the PC… but I’m not certain I ever formally validated that.

05-11-2005, 11:36 PM   #8

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Oh yeah, the other thing that will often help resolve problems like this… in the same vein as rebooting the PC and soft-resetting the iPaq… is to delete the partnership and re-create it. I’m always hesitant to do that, because I’m not certain what I risk losing by deleting the partnership.

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