Dave’s Ipaq –

07-19-2005, 12:30 PM   #21

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Originally Posted by David Ciccone

I spoke with a tech support agent in which i informed him on who i was. They are trying to figure out why mine is not working. I will let everyone know what happens.

excellent, way to use your pull!

“do you know who I am!”

We’re all standing by. My 6515 shows “OUT FOR DELIVERY” yay

07-19-2005, 02:42 PM   #22

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I just recieved my 6515! (imported from UK) So far It’s just as awesome as I hoped it would be. Feels nice, looks nice, I even like the flip cover. The Backup Battery is charging now. The main battery comes fully charged.

I’m going to try and load the TomTom 5.1 upgrade in a bit. Do I have to install it into main memory? (can I pick ipaq file store or SD?) http://www.tomtom.com/support/right…hp?p_faqid=3361

Also, I’ll start to write up my personal review in the coming days

07-19-2005, 06:01 PM   #23

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I’ll write up a new thread on my full 6515 review later on the core ipaq functions. I’m dived right into the UK imported to US GPS stuff right away though first I installed the 5.1 update. I let it go into main memory. I’m going to start from scratch and see if installing to ipaq file store or SD/miniSD works later tonight. I ran “GPS Navigation Launcher” under programs. It walked me through a wizard. I picked English US.

It then said I had no maps and let me download a free map of San Francisco. It downloaded a 4mb file over GPRS and I put it on my 1gb miniSD card. (took about 3 minutes) It also shows the following url to buy “discounted” maps http://www.tomtom.com/gpsnavigation It gives you a Discount Voucher number in the format of HPP-XXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX After this map launched i’s install, it forced the map data into the main memory anyway (under my documents)

I relaunched “GPS Navigation Launcher” It then asked if I’d like to specify my home address. It listed zipcodes in order. I picked mine, and then it listed streets. I picked a street, and then it asked for my address. It then asked if I would like a brief tour. It gave a nice slide show where you just tap the screen to move to the next slide. (pretty informative) I then went into the program itself. We have several glass sun roofs above me at work. It seems to be enough signal because it shows full bars with 4 to 5 sats connected, and I’m inside! It shows where I am correctly (impressive)

I’d like to get more maps though. http://www.tomtom.com/gpsnavigation/ (USA says “Available soon”)

I enabled the free 30 trial of real time traffic. I got this email: _________________________________ Welcome to TomTom PLUS! As a result of this trial, you can now: Use high quality Traffic Information for 31 days as of 19-07-2005 Download a demo set of Safety Cameras for the United Kingdom, the Netherlands or Belgium. Use the weather information service

Use all other free services like Points-Of-Interest, downloading Color Schemes and much more. Please take a look at www.tomtom.com for more information.

In order for you to log in (on both the portal as well as your device), please use the following username and password combination: Username: myemail address Password: xxxxxxxxxxx _________________________________- So…….. I’ve used it a bit, and so far so good. When you’re in your normal contacts, you can click right click a contact, and instantly get directions to that address or view a map. (very cool!) I manually moved the Map Data folder out of mydocuments and put it on my miniSD card. TomTom found the data when I relaunched the program. (no error messages or anything, it just worked right away! nice) Questions…………………………… -I wonder if I can loadmore maps if I buy the full TomTom 5 CD/DVD? My work is 5 miles outside of the home city map data. It’s empty green, but still shows you how to get home. Once I enter the available map data, it’s very detailed.

-I wonder how long before U.S. maps are available at http://www.tomtom.com/gpsnavigation/ ? (and plus services with real time traffic)

-I wonder if the GPS reciever on the iPaq is active 24/7 affecting batery life? -I wonder if I can install this 5.1 update into another location other then main memory? (I’ll try later tonight starting over with a factory reset) I’ll install Sprite Backup so I can try installing things into various folders and check performance.

We really need to install things outside of main memory when at all possible. With Voice Command, TomTomupdate, and one map, I only had 8mb free! (ouch)

Last edited by s4czech : 07-19-2005 at 06:43 PM.

07-19-2005, 08:31 PM   #24

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I would hope we could just buy the v5 maps for the whole US on one CD and be done. That is what i want and need.

07-19-2005, 10:12 PM   #25

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Originally Posted by s4czech

I just recieved my 6515! (imported from UK) So far It’s just as awesome as I hoped it would be. Feels nice, looks nice, I even like the flip cover. The Backup Battery is charging now. The main battery comes fully charged.

I’m going to try and load the TomTom 5.1 upgrade in a bit. Do I have to install it into main memory? (can I pick ipaq file store or SD?) http://www.tomtom.com/support/right…hp?p_faqid=3361

Also, I’ll start to write up my personal review in the coming days

the backup battery you got is it the 1800 mAh ,,,if it is can it be fitted normally????

07-19-2005, 10:17 PM   #26

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Originally Posted by X-MAN

the backup battery you got is it the 1800 mAh ,,,if it is can it be fitted normally????

by backup battery, I mean the one embedded into the pocket pc. (the one that only keeps juice while you remove the main battery for up to a few minutes) The main battery comes fully charged. The backup battery is 0% but charges in a few minutes.

What was your question about being fitted exactly?

07-19-2005, 10:21 PM   #27

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Originally Posted by s4czech

by backup battery, I mean the one embedded into the pocket pc. (the one that only keeps juice while you remove the main battery for up to a few minutes) The main battery comes fully charged. The backup battery is 0% but charges in a few minutes.

What was your question about being fitted exactly?

OK i c because they say that hw6515 has the option to have a 1800 mAh battery but i don’t see how is this battery gona fit???????

07-19-2005, 11:00 PM   #28

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oh….. ok….. the 1800 is the extended battery. It seems that the default plastic cover comes/stays off, and this pregnant looking big bertha battery goes in with the built in back piece(maybe?). I have some on order, so I’ll confirm when it comes in.

I doubt I’ll use the extended battery on a day to day basis, but it comes in hand on the plane when it’s movie time.

07-19-2005, 11:11 PM   #29

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s4czech….can you tell me where you got the Tom Tom software from? The link that was posted appears to be only an upgrade, as I cannot get it to load on my 6515, which also came with no GPS software.

07-19-2005, 11:42 PM   #30

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Originally Posted by ewolfe

s4czech….can you tell me where you got the Tom Tom software from? The link that was posted appears to be only an upgrade, as I cannot get it to load on my 6515, which also came with no GPS software.

The 6515 I got is the UK version. It came with TomTom 4.x installed. That’s why the upgrade worked for me. Dave is looking into what all our options are for upgrades and vanilla installs. I emailed TomTom support but they didnt respond yet. Dave said he formed a more direct relationship and hopefully we’ll hear something form TomTom soon!

I’m confused if HP TomTom 5 and off the shelf TomTom 5 will be interchanable for map data. Hopefully someone clears this up soon!

07-19-2005, 11:44 PM   #31

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I am curious too as my unit did not come with any GPS software. After loading the update, it just indicates it hasn’t found any maps and when i click NEXT, TOMTOM just shuts down.

07-20-2005, 07:52 AM   #32

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I can only hope that HP delayed the US launch to include TomTom 5.10 in the US ROM, I know again not likely but its nice to dream. I did enter a tech case to TomTom here is my discussion with them via their support system. PPCMD:

I am considering purchasing the new HW6500 (HW6515) which is being sold in the UK. Currently TomTom v4 is loaded and as I understand v5 will be a free upgrade. Since this is a UK model being sold by www.expansys.com how would I get the maps for the US that are properly formatted for the HW6500. Also do you know when the V5 software will be supplied and if TomTom is the GPS vendor for the US model?

TomTom: Due to the ROM versions used in the US, the iPAQ 6515 will not work with the US maps. We have tested the device and have determined it is not compatible. Kind Regards, TomTom USA Customer Service PPCMD: Thank you for the quick reply. From what I understand TomTom v4 is already loaded and specially formatte (per HP) for the HW6515 on the version sold in the UK. HP has not formally announced the US GPS provider so that remains open. My concern was if I bought a UK version with TomTom loaded would the US maps work? Thanks. TomTom: This is true. Due to the ROM version that is used in the UK, the maps will work perfect. We have contact our team in Europe to inquire about this package and they stated due to the ROM version the US uses on the hw6515, unfortunately it will not work. We cannot confirm if you purchase the UK version of the device if the US maps will work. We have not tested this. Kind Regards, TomTom USA Customer Service TomTom: Generally we are not informed of any product releases until a few weeks before they are released. By registering to receive to newsletters, you will be notified once any new products will be released. Kind Regards, TomTom USA Customer Service

I realize TomTom support may not know if they are the US provider, but their UK support is wrong. They say the US maps won’t work and it has already been proven that they do.

07-20-2005, 09:23 AM   #33



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PPCMD I will be discussing this in the podcast. I talked to them and they explained it a bit further.

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07-20-2005, 11:11 AM   #34

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Originally Posted by David Ciccone

PPCMD I will be discussing this in the podcast. I talked to them and they explained it a bit further.

Dave, when will this podcast be available?

07-20-2005, 01:01 PM   #35

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Thanks Dave. Pod Cast will be up soon I hope
07-20-2005, 05:11 PM   #36

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I just got my response from TomTom too: “We cannot confirm if the US maps will work on the 6515. We were informed that due to the US version of the 6515, our software would not be compatible. We have not tested the UK 6515 with the US maps therefore we cannot confirm its compatibility. If you are looking for software only, this package will be available at the end of July. Kind Regards, TomTom USA Customer Service” They didnt confirm if the full off the shelf vesrion of TomTom will install ok since the Ipaq will alredy have another version installed. I’m going to respond to them now with a few more questions. Here’s my take on UK vs US and if it’s worth waiting or not as well:


07-20-2005, 06:30 PM   #37

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everything worked fine for me. i am using the new york city map. and have no problems.

07-20-2005, 07:45 PM   #38

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Originally Posted by dean56

everything worked fine for me. i am using the new york city map. and have no problems.

Great, another success.

The next step is for TomTom to confirm we will be able to download additional U.S. maps in the near future. (or copy maps from the TomTom full version CD/DVD)

07-20-2005, 07:55 PM   #39

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Originally Posted by chrissyboy

Ok guys heard alot about the problems and short comings of the included tomtom software, my question is can i uninstall the tomtom that comes with the 6500 and install my existing tomtom where i already have the maps that i want bought and paid for or is this built into the rom Cheers


I’ve added that to my support question to TomTom. The bundled TomTom software that comes with, is located in the “extended rom” It’s installed during a hard reset. (factory default/fresh on) Warning: (for experts only) Here’s how the make the normally hidden extended rom visible (thanks D.M.) . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\ TRUEFFS_DOC1], MountFlags change from 1 to 0 then reboot. It will mount the rom as iPAQ ROM I think it’s read only at this point. I’ll get more info on how to write/delete info to that area. (special utility needed)

In theory you should be able to then remove the pieces you dont want, do a hard reset/start over, and then you wont have the bundled tomtom installed. You might want to save the parts you remove just in case.

07-20-2005, 10:35 PM   #40

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Wow, that was a carbon copy of my email respsonse from TomTom. I guess they are ready with auto replys.

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