CableMod 12VHPWR Adapters Cause $74,000 Damages to NVIDIA Graphics Card Owners

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has released detailed information on the recall of specific angled power adapters 12VHPWR for NVIDIA video cards. Produced by American company, CableMod, the information includes the volume of adapters recalled and the financial damage incurred by the owners.

CableMod initially announced the recall in December of last year. Models affected included the CableMod 12VHPWR 90 V1.0, CableMod 180 Angled Adapter V1.0, CableMod 12VHPWR 90 V1.1, and CableMod 180 Angled Adapter V1.1. The company clarified that the plug connector could weaken over time, potentially leading to overheating and potential melting. All adapters sold between February and December 2023 via the official CableMod online store or Amazon were subject to recall. However, CableMod did not recall specific angled power cables.

Varieties of CableMod's 12VHPWR angled power adapters

According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, over 25,300 sold power adapters were subject to recall. CableMod committed to covering all costs related to returning these adapters. Alternatively, the company is willing to offer a $60 deposit, which customers can spend on other products in their official online store.

“The company received 272 complaints related to the weakening, overheating, and melting of the video card power connectors used with these power adapters. The total damage incurred by the owners of the video cards amounted to at least $74,500. No injuries were reported due to these power adapters,” said the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Recall information of CableMod power adapters on the US Consumer Product Safety Commission's website

For safety, it’s recommended to use the native 12VHPWR power cables that come with modern power supply units. If the user’s power supply unit doesn’t support the appropriate connector and no cable is included, users should consider using the official power adapter that comes with each GeForce RTX 40-series video card, or contacting the PSU manufacturer for an adapter. When connecting the power connector to the video card, make sure it is fully inserted and securely fixed in the socket.

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