Customer Support — It is what it’s all about!

Have you ever noticed that you tend to return to certain vendors without even giving it a thought? I have and I know why. It’s not only for a great product but it really is for that assurance of absolute customer support if you need it.

I use my Think Outside Bluetooth Keyboard daily along with my Think Outside Bluetooth Mouse. I have always been careful and reasonably gentle with it to make sure it will last. I always carefully open and close it and I always store it in its case when I’m done. Last night tragedy occurred! As I opened the keyboard, I noticed that the support leg on the stand was cracked and as I opened it, the crack went all the way and broke.

I was so disappointed and to be honest, very “lost” as to how I was going to efficiently enter text. I was able to “muddle” my way through the evening and finished my work but I did do one little extra — I sent an email to Think Outside.

Yup, at 11 pm last night, I sent a note off telling them about my problem and asking if I could purchase a replacement stand. I offered to send a check or if they sent me a bill, I would remit a check immediately. So it was off to bed … somewhat disappointed that my trusted companion had a damaged stand.

So this morning, I got up, made my coffee, turned on my computer and started outlook to begin my daily routine of reading the mail. To my surprise, the first email I received was from Think Outside! That’s right, they replied and guess what? A replacement stand is on its way…at no charge! Not only are they sending one stand but they are going to send two…just in case!

WOW!! …was I ever impressed!! I’m not sure others would do that and frankly, I don’t even want to find out. It has taken me a lifetime to actually figure out what QUALITY ASSURANCE means. Quality means you have a great product, a product made with care and one that will not only do what it is supposed to do but will last! Assurance means that in the event that anything ever goes wrong, they will stand behind you. That is what Think Outside means to me…QUALITY PRODUCTS coupled with the ASSURANCE that they stand behind you!

In part, this is what the folks at Think Outside said to me:

Quote …we’ll get a couple of stands to you asap and we apologize for the inconvenience. Just so you know, we will be using different materials in future builds of the stand which will be much more durable. The stands that we will send are from the old material (2 just in case).

We love our customers and …TO stands behind our customers. If a stand breaks, we replace free of charge. We think it’s the little things like this that make a real difference in customer loyalty and satisfaction but that’s just our opinion.

Well from my perspective…they have it right! Customer satisfaction means customer loyalty! Thank you Think Outside!

By the way, if you have not read my reviews on the Think Outside Bluetooth Keyboard or their Bluetooth Mouse, you can read them here:

Think Outside Bluetooth Keyboard Review

Think Outside Bluetooth Mouse