Dave’s Ipaq –

07-27-2005, 05:45 PM #1

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How to configure for HSCSD If there is no GPRS available or much too expensive (roaming) i prefer to use HSCSD. I have configured my hw6515 to access my ISP via CSD. I was using a HP Jornada 568 with a Nokia 6310i before, where I communicated to to the Nokia phone via bluetooth. The nokia was opening a HSCSD connection to my ISP. Now I would like to do the same with my hw6515. It seems to me that the hw6515 only connects with Normal Single Slot GSM Circuit Switched Data (CSD) @ 9600 Kbps. I am looking for a way to configure High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD) Multi-Slot GSM data calls of maximum uplink/downlink speeds of 43.2Kbps/14.4Kbps or 28.8Kbps/28.8Kbps. On the Nokia 6310, I modified the dial string to force the modem to use HSCSD channel bundling in the following way: 9.6kb: AT+CBST=0,0,1;+CHSN=1,0,0,0 14.4kb: AT+CBST=0,0,1;+CHSN=2,0,0,0 19.2kb: AT+CBST=0,0,1;+CHSN=3,0,0,0 28.8kb: AT+CBST=0,0,1;+CHSN=4,0,0,0 43.2kb: AT+CBST=0,0,1;+CHSN=6,0,0,0 or Automatic Negotiation AT+CBST=81,0,1 Does anybody know how to configure the iPAQ hw6515 to do HSCSD?

07-27-2005, 05:58 PM #2

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Last edited by s4czech : 07-27-2005 at 06:07 PM.

07-27-2005, 07:46 PM #3



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Woh! My head is spinning

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07-30-2005, 03:19 PM #4

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Join Date: Mar 2005

Posts: 222

the problem is with the ppc platform. if i remember correctly while speaking with hp tech support (it was with about my 6315 and ts) and i asked him where if possible i could edit the connection strings for the DUN or CSD connections and he was like he “trying to be slick there eh?” and he told me that the wm doesn’t support it so I couldn’t do it. I took his word for it because he seemed to know what he was talking about (confused me for awhile!)

If I get a chance to play with the a 6500 I’ll see if maybe it’s possible in there, although I doubt it b/c basically the same cOS….