Dave’s Ipaq –

04-06-2005, 09:18 PM   #41

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I agree with Appolyon

Appolyon’s suggestion hit the nail onthe head. I have been using the button lock as a partial fix to the mysterious tendency of the XV6600 to turn on without reason. That has worked ok but I suspect not for you automatic answer guys…granted too I have missed some calls as well after pressing in my code and then the “Answer” button refuses to register in time (this is using a regular headset). I returned my overpriced BT250 headset to Verizon after exploring the internet with better prices. Any suggestions of a specific model out there for a nice BT headset? Additionally, I am understanding from everyone that the second update also was not helpful? SHould we all download it? I have had difficulty with the site which seems to lock up on me. Anyone else experience that at Audiovox? By the way, I found in the File Explorer main tree a file called “old ringer” that is by far the loudest of the ringers on the phone which I was able to config for the ringer in settings. The Voice command, is this only a Sprint or ATT option or is it part of the software? By the way, anyone know how to configure the unit so that files like pics are stored directly to the storage card verses the unit main memory and then transfering it? My whole unit locked today when I loaded too many pics in on the “Pocket_PC My Documents” folder. I did fix it though after a few soft resets. Also, for everyones info, Spaminator, do you recommend any specific thrid party ringer provider that you know works with the XV6600?

04-07-2005, 01:22 PM   #42

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I cut this from the news thread in case nobody checks there often. I figure it be good here too. I did some research and made some calls. The link on the Verizon site is NOT for the XV6600 w/camera. It is the one WOC even though it says to upgrade to that from the Verizon page. Verizon has made a big error. Speaking to a tech today at Audiovox, the link on their site is definitely ONLY for the unit WOC, hence why the link mentions WOC in the name. Verizon’s mistake could lead you to upgrade unkowingly and possible mess up your phone. On another note, the upgrade there is to bring you up to speed from Bluetooth 1.0 to 1.1…. The upgrade for the unit with camera maybe another 2 weeks yet. I also mentioned to him that Bluetooth equipment is now coming out with 1.2 and that Audiovox is slightly behind. He said, for what it’s worth, he’ll pass that to his engineers. I have a Motorola HS850 is Bluetooth 1.2 and it’s supposedly replacing the HS820….


04-08-2005, 12:27 AM   #43

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Originally Posted by bhunted

…On another note, the upgrade there is to bring you up to speed from Bluetooth 1.0 to 1.1….

From Dave, himself: “WRONG!! This still keeps the bluetooth to 1.0.. Dont let them fool you.”



04-08-2005, 06:55 AM   #44

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The *EXISTING* bluetooth fix DOES NOT upgrade you from 1.0 to 1.1 as Apollyon, Dave, and many others have said. However, Verizon *IS* releasing a NEW bluetooth patch in the next 2-3 weeks that will take you to 1.1. This has been confirmed by an engineer at Verizon and also in a few other places:


1.1 is coming….!

Last edited by indmillert : 04-08-2005 at 05:52 PM.

04-08-2005, 10:49 AM   #45

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Hey – don’t shoot the messenger…hehe….. in any event, a patch is coming. Maybe the tech decided to give Audiovox the credit…. who knows…

04-08-2005, 10:50 AM   #46

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BUT! Why not 1.2? They are behind the times….

04-11-2005, 08:07 PM   #47

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Originally Posted by indmillert

The *EXISTING* bluetooth fix DOES NOT upgrade you from 1.0 to 1.1 as Apollyon, Dave, and many others have said. However, Verizon *IS* releasing a NEW bluetooth patch in the next 2-3 weeks that will take you to 1.1. This has been confirmed by an engineer at Verizon and also in a few other places:


1.1 is coming….!

I will believe when I see it. Audiovox promised a patch in the begining of March for the end of March. End of March became 04/15. Now I’m reading 2 or 3 weeks from April 6/7. I asked Verizon and Audiovox in January before I purchased the phone about a Bluetooth fix for the Acura TL. They were supposedly working on it then.

It maybe time to go legal!

04-26-2005, 12:26 AM   #48

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They dont care, the items are sold, we paid, done deal…audiovox & verizon both could care less. Oh well no blue tooth for us wish I could eliminate those stupid pop up balloons for calls and messages plus the verizon your text message has been sent and confirm recieved message That is annoying


04-26-2005, 11:10 AM   #49

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As of last week, Audiovox told me the Bluetooth patch I have been waiting for (use with Acura TL hands-free) was completed, approved by Johnson Controls (makers of Acura device) and is waiting for Verizon’s approval. I have a tendency to believe them since the PPC-6600 and PPC-6601 are listed on Acura’s site as approved devices.

Now if we can just get Verizon off their high stoop and approve it’s release. I offered to beta for Audiovox but I’m told they can’t release the patch without Verizon’s approval.

04-26-2005, 03:51 PM   #50

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I just returned my XV6600 because I could not hear the phone ring on high ring. I am researching whether to buy the Verizon Treo 650 when it comes out in May. Any thoughts on the Treo 650?

04-26-2005, 06:50 PM   #51

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What I did to get around the ring issue is copy the ring file from the windows directory on the phone to my pc, I then loaded it into the windows sound recorder program, increased the volume a few times, saved it, then copied back to the phone. Now I have an extremely loud ringer.

04-27-2005, 11:24 AM   #52

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Originally Posted by npappy

They dont care, the items are sold, we paid, done deal…audiovox & verizon both could care less. Oh well no blue tooth for us wish I could eliminate those stupid pop up balloons for calls and messages plus the verizon your text message has been sent and confirm recieved message That is annoying


I take it then that you are not aware of any add ons that will help to replace these icons??? I am looking for a way to be more informed of when i have a VM as I find the device balloon to be very ambiguous. besilly@gmavt.net


04-27-2005, 11:25 AM   #53

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Originally Posted by capteeou


What I did to get around the ring issue is copy the ring file from the windows directory on the phone to my pc, I then loaded it into the windows sound recorder program, increased the volume a few times, saved it, then copied back to the phone. Now I have an extremely loud ringer.

I was able to fix the ringer by setting it to “Old Ringer” wav which I found to be quite loud.

04-27-2005, 11:31 AM   #54

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Storage Issues

This may be elementary to everyone but I found that when I loaded too much onto the built in 15 MB Storage on this unuit that it had difficulty reading my 500 MB SD card …I would advise keeping this storage mostly open…is this because this built-in storage works like Working memory?? Anyone know the answer to this one? Marc


04-30-2005, 08:17 PM   #55

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With all this negative talk about the Audiovox 6600 should I not buy one? I was looking at buying one but wanted to know if there was any software that you could add to have voice activated phone calls. Thanks for the info


05-01-2005, 11:12 PM   #56

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Voice activated calling


Originally Posted by rmfc

With all this negative talk about the Audiovox 6600 should I not buy one? I was looking at buying one but wanted to know if there was any software that you could add to have voice activated phone calls. Thanks for the info


MS Voice command is an ideal solution for voice activated calling. It is one of my favorite add-ons to my 6600. As far as wether or not you should buy one, I don’t know. i was wondering the same thing two weeks ago when my 15 day trial was up and I decided to keep it because there does not appear to be a better device. i ahve found solutiojns to most of the things that I don’t like about the device, and I am hoping the others will be solved with firmware upgrades. i am reasonably happy with it.

05-02-2005, 10:11 PM   #57

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A couple of years ago the boss bought everyone in our department Kyocera 8735 Palm phones. That was absolutely the worst abomination of a phone or PDA I’ve evey owned. It crashed hard mutiple times a day including the phone function. It’s the main reason I went running to the Samsung SPH i700. However, most of the others stuck with it and eventually afer a couple of firmware upgrades, Verizon got it working right. Those folks that still have them, love the phone now.

So I think the moral of the story is that Verizon/Audiovox will make it right one of these days but the wait may very well drive the type As over the edge!

__________________ [B]Chas

Samsung i730

Purchased 7/28/2005

05-12-2005, 02:29 PM   #58

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Anyone know if anything happening with the supposed bluetooth fix?

05-22-2005, 10:48 PM   #59

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Originally Posted by Chriscic

Anyone know if anything happening with the supposed bluetooth fix?

As of mid-April, Audiovox told me it was in Verizon hands for testing. I have made multiple calls to Verizon since then. Last week, I exchanged emails three times with basically no info (i.e. they are working on it).

So much for worry free guarantee!

05-24-2005, 05:03 PM   #60

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Originally Posted by walti

As of mid-April, Audiovox told me it was in Verizon hands for testing. I have made multiple calls to Verizon since then. Last week, I exchanged emails three times with basically no info (i.e. they are working on it).

So much for worry free guarantee!

Has anyone heard anything else lately about a patch to fix the bluetooth issue? Thanks,


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