Dave’s Ipaq – Business Week confirms Treo 670 and hw6700 @ Dave’s iPAQ

Business week today released a very interesting article and apparently have commented on the hw6700 iPAQ a device that still has not been mentioned by Hewlett Packard. The author Arik Hesseldahl also comments on the story we broke last week on the Treo 670 running Windows Mobile 5. He also comments on RIM’s futuer plans of the Blackberry along with commenting on the Motorola Q.

With the likes of Microsoft eyeing its turf, the outfit behind the ubiquitous BlackBerry knows it has a fight on its hands

Long have the would-be competitors to Research In Motion’s popular BlackBerry wireless messaging device looked on in envy. None seem to have acquired quite the cachet of the little blue devices that hang from many an executive’s belt, and certainly no would-be rivals have earned a nickname like the oft-repeated “Crackberry.”

Hardware manufacturers like Hewlett-Packard (HPQ ), Dell (DELL ) and others will accompany the software with a batch of new devices, many sporting their own BlackBerry-like keyboards. HP has on deck the iPaq 6700, and Dell might also be readying its first Axim handheld with a keyboard (see BW Online, 7/12/05, “For BlackBerry, a Crop of Rivals “).

Interesting that Business Week is now commenting on unreleased and unannounced products!

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