Dave’s Ipaq – Congratulations Bob from Eureka Missouri!!! @ Dave’s iPAQ

Well the site went purple at 7:50PM EST and Bob from Eureka Missouri saw it. Bob won a copy of riteMail and also a leather Vaja case with a combined value over $100. With riteMail, you can take handwritten notes on your iPaq Pocket PC or desktop to be emailed over wireless and wireline connections, as well as fully edit, recognize, store and print them from a PC. No other electronic ink application offers unified note-taking with smoother lines, automatic shape correction and calligraphy pens in so many colors! So how do you win your own copy of riteMail? It’s simple — just visit us daily, and when you see the site turn purple, take a screenshot and send me an email. The first one who gets an email to me WINS a copy of riteMail. Make sure you visit us daily since you never know when the site will turn purple. Also in order to win you MUST be registered within our discussion forum and also your membership must reflect you were registered before you spotted the site turn purple. Winner does not have to live in the Continental USA. Winner must first send email with Name, Address, Telephone number, selected winner will be confirmed via phone or email. In the case that the first person cannot be verified, the next person in chronological order would win. Contest ends April 30, 2003.

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