Dave’s Ipaq – Ebay Anywhere via wireless Handheld and Phone @ Dave’s iPAQ

The new software tool Abidia Wireless enhances eBay Auctions with effortless, anytime, anywhere, access via wireless handheld and mobile phone devices; featuring customizable real-time synchronization with an eBay account, wireless searching, cached browsing, wireless bidding, and the ability to effortlessly supervise auction listings on-the-go.The next generation technology features a convenient auction experience comparable to a personal computer; users are allowed to bid, search, browse, and monitor live auction listings from the eBay site. Abidia Wireless 3.0 makes it easy to carry item listings and visual images as well as buyer and seller lists in your pocket. Easy, on-the-go supervision of real-time auction status is a simple install away.

Additionally, the wireless tool offers a streamlined interface allowing instant access to eBay auction information.Users can customize the options for their needs, from wireless searching, cached browsing, wireless bidding, and the ability to supervise auction listings while on the move.Abidia Wireless is a convenient way to monitor auction status, including the current price, the amount of bids, the high bidder, as well as the seller and start and end times. With the improved user interface, information is easy to view, and simple to access. Abidia technology provides an experience comparable with a desktop browser in speed, ease of use, and rich multimedia presentation. Abidia designed the new version to give customers a better choice for viewing eBay content.This new technology provides an experience comparable with a desktop browser in speed, ease of use, and rich multimedia presentation. The developer designed the new version to give customers a better choice for viewing eBay content. In addition to Windows Mobile 5.0, Smartphones, Palm Powered devices, BlackBerry Handhelds, Symbian Series 60 and UIQ devices are currently supported. Apparently eBay has a WAP version of their service with slightly limited features for free.

Features: Abidia Wireless incorporates top-notch features to support both buyers and sellers. Monitoring item status becomes a simple task that is always at hand and available. View real-time status of current items, and items that have been won, lost, bought, and sold. Buyers: Monitor or add items to the watch list, view any items current price, image, or compare prices. Buyers: Never miss out on an auction again by bidding upon items directly from your wireless device. Sellers: It’s easy to check the amount of bids on items for sale, and determine who the winning bidder is. Sellers: Research similar items, compare prices, and see pictures, away from a PC, anywhere! User-friendly interface designed specifically for wireless devices, small screens, and ease-of-use. Dynamic support for Hi-Resolution VGA devices including large item images and descriptions. Sync with your Overstock.com Auctions account, minimize cost by selecting what and when to sync. Effortless configuration; easy searching, browsing, watching, bidding and monitoring in real-time. Browse cached listings and images on your wireless device, choose when to sync and update. Install directly from your Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC, via SMS to phone, or via your personal computer. Support for any networking technology including ActiveSync, WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, CDMA and GSM.


Abidia Wireless 3.0 is immediately available from the APPCRAFT.org Website at http://www.appcraft.org, or the Abidia Wapsite at http://wap.abidia.com, for registered users only.

About Abidia

Abidia is a privately held company founded in February 2002. Abidia is the worldwide market leader of online auction tools and service for mobile phones and wireless handheld devices for auction sites provided by eBay (NASDAQ: EBAY) and Overstock.com (NASDAQ: OSTK), with software released for Windows Mobile, Palm OS, RIM Blackberry, Symbian OS, and J2ME.

You can visit Abidia here.