Dave’s Ipaq – Telsis Unveils 3G and GSM Data Card Texting @ Dave’s iPAQ

Telsis has revealed a further key technology advance in text messaging that is set to deliver more convenience for users and more profitability for operators of both GSM and 3G networks.

An enduring frustration for remote and mobile workers is that text messages sent from their laptop or notebook computer via a 3G or GSM data card don’t have the same originating number as their mobile phone.

It causes three problems. Recipients see a message from an unfamiliar number and may ignore it. They may text a reply to a laptop or notebook that is turned off or no longer with the user. And if they try to reply by voice, the data-only card rejects their call.

Text and voice expert Telsis has solved all three issues in one move with its SMS Data Card Identity System. Simply added to any mobile network, it automatically replaces data card numbers with customers’ phone numbers. Recipients see a familiar phone number and can reply immediately by text or voice to a handset that is almost certainly turned on and within reach of the sender.

The Telsis advance represents a significant revenue-building value-add for operators, stimulating both message and voice traffic, and is typically expected to pay for itself in less than 12 months.

Data card usage is growing in Europe at around 50% a year, mostly among business customers. Enhancing the utility of data cards for these high ARPU users is a logical next step according to Telsis chairman Jeff Wilson. “Research from Ericsson shows that 60% of text messages are replied to by SMS, 21% by voice call and a further 6% by both SMS and voice call. We calculate that the extra messaging and return call traffic stimulated by an SMS Data Card Identity System could be worth as much as 100 Euros annually per user. Operators will quickly cover their costs and generate new revenue.”

The first of its kind in the world, the Telsis SMS Data Card Identity System is a small footprint, stand-alone solution that can be simply added to any mobile network. From a low cost starter package the system can be easily and inexpensively upgraded to cope with network and traffic growth.

With its headquarters, research and production site in the UK, Telsis (www.telsis.com) has sales and support operations in Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Singapore and Australia. The company offers a range of carrier-grade infrastructure platforms including intelligent SMS Routers, IN service control points, service control points, switches, media gateways for NGN and VoIP networks, protocol converters and advanced IVR solutions that support a wide variety of innovative value-added text and voice services. Telsis products are in use with major fixed and mobile network operators around the world.

Visit Telsis HERE

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