Do You Use Skype?

Its funny but sometimes not all of the people you want to talk to are on Skype. Maybe they like spending money? Maybe they just havent heard about Skype? Either way, we don’t want you to stop talking to them. That wouldn’t be very nice. So the folks at Skype have come up with some services that make it easier to contact friends who arent on Skype. They call them SkypeOut and Skype Voicemail.


SkypeOut is a low cost way to Skype friends on a landline or mobile phone. With SkypeOut you can call anyone anywhere in the world at local rates. Though dont forget to remind whoever you call, that once they are using Skype, you can call each other for free.

Skype Voicemail

Skype Voicemail is their new baby and they are very proud of it. Skype Voicemail doesnt cost much… just 5 Euro for 3 months or 15 Euro for a year and it can do all of the things that you’d expect from a voicemail service like take messages when you’re offline, busy on another call or taking a bath. We have also added a very clever bit that lets you record a voice message which you can then send. It’s handy for avoiding tricky conversations… like letting your boss know you won’t be coming in to work.

You can setup SkypeOut and Skype Voicemail and read more about them in their online store . There are lots of fancy Skype accessories in there too though unfortunately they have sold out of the Skype Chopper bike.

So you might be asking why did Jack put up a currency converter as a news item today? Well, this is just one example. Skype has become very popular and works on your iPAQ as well as your PC. If you decide to purchase some of their extras, you might want to use the converter!

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