Docker Hub Service Halts Operations in Russia and Belarus

The Docker Hub service, a crucial platform enabling developers to consolidate necessary resources for launching applications, has ceased operation in Russia and Belarus. Any attempts at reaching the platform results in a blockade message for users in these locations.

Users in these regions are met with the following message: “403 Forbidden. As Docker is an American company, we must adhere to U.S. export control rules. To comply, we are blocking all IP addresses located in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, the Republic of Crimea, Sudan, and Syria. If you are not in any of these cities, countries, or regions and find yourself blocked, please contact support.”

Docker Hub is an online service that allows saving of code, settings, and dependencies required for application operation. These components are stored in a Docker container, allowing easy deployment alongside the application on other devices. A service support representative stated, “We are no longer affiliating with Russian or Belarusian companies and have discontinued subscription purchases in these countries.” Previously, the platform would block users with IP addresses associated with Crimea, Cuba, Iran, NK, Sudan, and Syria.

Alternatives and Remedies

To access Docker Hub from Russia and Belarus, users can utilize mirror services created by Google and “Yandex”, as suggested by “Habr“. Developers may also need to consider alternative services like Harbor and GitLab, explore platforms less dependent on sanctions, or begin deploying their container repositories.

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