My overall first impression of this iPAQ was one on absolute amazement. The look and feel was absolutely outstanding! It was time to insert the power and activate the unit. The typical start occurred by inserting the power and pressing the power switch. As it came on, I was utterly amazed at what the screen looked like.

Inserting the power and turning on the iPAQ brought up the same screen as always but the difference was that it was SO bright even through the smoked glass cover. I aligned the screen, did the cut/paste routine with Dr. Johnson and the dental appointment, set my time zone and the Today screen appeared. I was stunned by the brightness and clarity of the screen. It was better than I ever imagined.

What was different on the Today screen were icons appearing from TodayPanel Lite by RhinoCode. The icons gave me power remaining, free program memory, free storage memory including file store, memory card, and main memory, and an icon to adjust the brightness of the screen. So far, I’m happy and impressed. I do like the TodayPanel on the Today screen but would have been happier if it was a full version.

I noticed right away that there was a wireless icon at the bottom on the Today screen…I like that. I had to connect right away so I pressed the icon. Immediately an iPAQ Wireless Tutorial came up (a nice option especially for newbies). It was general stuff but good for folks that might need a little guidance. I tapped the WiFi icon and it detected my network in less than 3 seconds.

Of course I picked the Work option when it asked and the Green WiFI icon came on in another 3 seconds. I was amazed at the speed and ease of connection. I did go into the connection settings and made a few adjustments and was visiting Dave’s iPAQ in seconds. Yes seconds! The speed that I connected was incredible so I had to check out a few other sites right away.

I immediately tried HP and was browsing in seconds. MSN, GIZMODO, Microsoft and several other graphic sites were all up in seconds. I have no question that this is going to be a good experience for all that want to spend significant time on the net.

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Dave’s Ipaq –

07-27-2005, 08:29 PM   #2 Registered User   Join Date: Jul 2005 Location: Riverside, CA Posts: 47 Really…