Giveaways are over so how can you help?

I hope all of you had a great time with the giveaway, I know I did and was overwhelmed by the cooperation of our community. We gave out over 142 products valued over $9,120.00 dollars! Truly amazing! So where do we go from here and how do we keep the momentum going? Well here are some obvious ways you can help us..

Our site as many of you are aware moved over to a quad processor 4 gig ram server which has increased the speed of the site tremendously. In order for us to keep the site running fast and seemless we would like you to support our Hardware Store.

Another way of financially supporting the site is our new Dave’s iPAQ customized Alexa toolbar. The Daves iPAQ Toolbar is a free search and navigation companion that accompanies you as you surf, providing useful information about the sites you visit without interrupting your Web browsing. It gets rid of those annoying popup ads also enables you to learn about web sites including traffic information and contact info. Also if you are an supporter a percentage of your purchases would be donated as a commission to this site. This is NOT spyware and is used by many large fortune 500 orginizations..

Download the Dave’s iPAQ Toolbar here

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