How Tough Is Your Skin?

And speaking of Teflon tabs, a Teflon tab is used to grab the cover when closed. Unlike an aluminum tab that would wear or dent with constant closing, the Teflon will resist wear and enables smooth trouble free closing.

As I looked at the case to close the cover, again I was impressed with the tolerances. There was an absolutely perfect fit when the cover closed. Someone in their manufacturing process really understands tolerances!

As I closed the cover on my case and slowly rotated it in my hand as I was finishing this review, the thought occurred to me that I was really not holding a case but rather a SAFE. A well designed solid unit designed to keep, hold and protect my valuables. My Rhino SAFE…oops, my Rhino Skin will do just that!

Cost: $34.95


Light weight Perfect fit Excellent interior cushioning Removable post for belt clip Two SD slots I prefer the anodized aluminum case No CF storage slot

Rating: 5 out of 5

You can visit the Saunders Rhino Skin site here.

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