Marsware releases Weather Panel 2.3.0

I was pretty psyched to receive an alert from my Weather Panel stating a new version was available. I immediately accepted the download and was pleasantly suprised! Over the past 5 months I really have been enjoying this useful application in which they have just expanded.

They haven’t updated the website yet so unfortunately if you dont have it already you wont get the update if you should decide to purchase it. Some of the current features are.

Weather for up to 6 cities Current Temperature Display Weather for up to 6 cities Current Temperature Display 10 Day forecasts Support for international cities Automatic Updating of Weather Data when connection is detected Weather Display automatically updates to display only the relevant / recent data Radar images Weather Alerts Ability to display the local time Metric / English Units Cleartype support Automatically detect and updates to the latest version of the application Optimized for speed and performance Support for VGA Resolutions, with specially designed hi-dpi icons 10 Day forecasts Support for international cities Automatic Updating of Weather Data when connection is detected Weather Display automatically updates to display only the relevant / recent data Radar images Weather Alerts Ability to display the local time Metric / English Units Cleartype support Automatically detect and updates to the latest version of the application Optimized for speed and performance Support for VGA Resolutions, with specially designed hi-dpi icons


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