Mobile Sites – Gizmodo

Gizmodo is an online review dedicated to gadgets, gizmos, and cutting-edge consumer electronics. Without question, if you like gadgets then this is the place to visit! There is a constant flow of new material to the site virtually everyday and you will find that this is one site you will never get bored with!

The front page brings up the latest devices in a variety of categories. Cellphones, Digital Cameras, Gadgets, Home Entertainment, Laptops/PCs, PDAs, Peripherals, Portable Audio, Software, Wireless Deals, Press, and Announcements.

Each story gives a nice “blurb”, what category it is filed under, a picture, and links if available. There is an option available to e-mail a friend an entry and if there is more than the “blurb”, a “more” option so you can read the rest of the story. I am always impressed with the quality of pictures which are linked if you click on them.

This site is nicely arranged and can viewed easily on your iPAQ. I wish the color were a little different for the Welcome, Categories, Archives etc at the bottom of the page…it is just a little to light for PDA viewing but is perfect on a PC. You will visit often and will end up spending a lot of time viewing (and drooling over) some really neat gadgets!

Rating 4.8 out of 5


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