The messaging platform Telegram has rolled out a new update, introducing nine novel features for group chats. These enhancements include the capability for users to post and save stories on their profile pages in addition to unique wall paper and status settings, and the ability to customize the look of the group including its color scheme and profile logo.
Participants, including those with Telegram Premium, have the power to unlock all these features, which also entail voice-to-text conversion and personalized emojis. Groups can further be allocated levels based on gifts and advancements from participants. Group administrators can post stories with responses which appear in group chats. Power-boosted groups have matching aesthetics, including color and cover logo with an emoji as their status and wall paper that presents when the group chat opens.

Groups at higher levels gain access to some Telegram Premium features such as adding sets of emojis created by Telegram’s designers or custom sets exclusive to individual chats. For instance, the sixth level unlocks the ability for text transcripts of voicemail messages sent in the group. The complete list of features for groups ranging from level one to ten can be found on the Telegram help page. Upcoming updates promise additional capabilities for group chat enhancements.

A Telegram Premium subscription provides the user with four enhancements which can be assigned to any group or channel; they receive three having enhancements each time they gift a Premium subscription. While five additional features were planned for the February update, the App Store delayed their release, suggesting a potential March unveiling.