Number of Cryptocurrency Owners Worldwide Reaches 562 Million, One in Every Thirteen People Owns Crypto

A new report has disclosed an extraordinary upsurge in global cryptocurrency ownership, with one out of every thirteen people now owning some type of digital currency.

As per the report published on, a new study by Fintech company Triple A lays bare the accelerated growth in the number of worldwide cryptocurrency owners. In 2024, the number stands at 562 million, a substantial increase of 142 million from the previous year, 2023.

This translates to one in thirteen of the world’s population now owning cryptocurrencies. The share of the global population using digital currencies has surged by 1.4% points in a year, from 5.4% to 6.8%.

Particularly, Asia has seen a remarkable growth in cryptocurrency popularity. Already leading in the number of crypto investors, the region now holds 327 million owners, up from 268 million in 2023. The increase represents a growth of nearly 22%, unparalleled by any other region.

Coming second in the number of crypto investors is North America, where the count has increased from 52 to 72 million, representing an annual growth of 38.6%. South America has also seen impressive growth, with 116.5% being added, nearly doubling the population of cryptocurrency owners to 55 million.

Infographics showing global crypto ownership distribution. Src: Triple A

To sum up, experts are noting a worldwide uptick in interest towards digital financial assets. This signifies the increased integration of cryptocurrencies into daily life, potentially playing a significant role in the global finance system. Analysts predict the use of cryptocurrencies by hundreds of millions of people in every global region in the coming years.

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