ScotteVest Spoofs iPOD Commercial

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June 1, 2005 SCOTTEVEST, INC. (SeV), the industry leader in functional fashion, released a web commercial parody of Apple’s iPod commercial. Apple’s commercial shows a dancer in silhouette with the iPod’s signature white wires flying around. SeV’s parody humorously portrays the inherent danger of dancing with wires dangling. The dancer gets tangled in the wires and trips. He then dons SeV’s patented Technology Enabled Clothing (TEC), which manages the wires through hidden conduits, and then dances with increased energy as the beat of the music intensifies. The commercial ends with an endorsement from a surprising source, Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple and SeV customer.

Woz was actually the inspiration for SeV’s commercial. When Scott Jordan, SCOTTEVEST CEO and Founder, discovered that Steve Wozniak was an online customer, he initiated an email correspondence. Much to his surprise, Woz replied within minutes. Scott asked how he had heard about SeV, Woz said his son is fan of the clothing line and added, “The SeV is the perfect accessory for an iPod.”

Jordan, a long-time iPod enthusiast and self-proclaimed gadget junkie, kept flashing back to Woz’s words every time he viewed the iPod commercial. “I kept seeing this great commercial for a product I love and all I could think of was that the dancer was going to trip,” said Jordan. “Then, it occurred to me to do a parody of the commercial. I explained my idea to Woz and he loved it, even agreeing to play the role of the dancer, if needed.

When asked whether he was concerned about Apple’s response to this commercial, Jordan replied, “Imitation is the best form of flattery. We are not competing with Apple, merely showing how our products work well together. I think that the iPod is an awesome product I use mine everyday and I wanted to show how our line of Technology Enabled Clothing makes using an iPod even better.” Before commencing production, Jordan, a lawyer in a past career, consulted with his attorneys who assured him that parodies are not violations of copyright law.

SCOTTEVEST offers a full line of Technology Enabled Clothing including vests, jackets, pants, shorts and hats. In conjunction with this commercial, SeV is introducing a full product line targeted at the iPod demographic-which is everyone, including one of SeV’s best known customers, President Bush. In addition to selling its own clothing line, the company’s patented technology is available for license to other clothing companies.

Consumers can order SCOTTEVEST products at or by calling 866.909.VEST (8378).

Media Contact Information:

Scott Jordan, CEO and Founder

PO Box 2626

Ketchum, Idaho 83340

cell – 312-493-9438

About Technology Enabled Clothing, Inc. – TEC

Founded in 2001, Technology Enabled Clothing (TEC) is the leader in the apparel industry as it relates to incorporating electronic equipment into clothing. TEC holds patent protection for the design and utility of incorporating third-party electronic devices and their wires into clothing. The company maintains strategic partnerships with significant contributors to the technology-driven garment industry including Xybernaut®, Global Solar®, Foster-Miller® and others. For more information regarding licensing TEC® technology, please visit

Technology Enabled Clothing –TEC® and SCOTTEVEST® are registered trademarks of SCOTTEVEST, Inc. Use of other trademarks in this press release is made in good faith for the purpose of describing the goods or services to which the mark relates or to accurately indicate compatibility with SCOTTEVEST Inc.’s goods or services.

The phrase “TEC Technology Enabled Clothing” is a registered trademark of SCOTTEVEST, INC. and should be used at all times with the federal trademark symbol identifying it as such. Please refrain from any further use of this phrase without this symbol to avoid any dilution of the strength of this mark. SCOTTEVEST, INC. will not hesitate to defend its intellectual property rights, including its trademark rights, to the full extent of the law upon finding any continued use of their marks in this manner.

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