So how are we doing? More importantly how are you doing?

Well the past 3 months we have made some significant improvements to the site and the community more importantly. Two weeks ago we launched a new Ebook Store in which will allow you to download the latest bestsellers to your iPAQ or desktop pc. Jack has been as busy as George Bush or John Kerry prior to the elections writing his fabulous reviews.. We also have added two more members to our moderator team Laura and Steve who bring a ton of knowledge to our forums. Dave aka Elrendhel has done a fabulous job creating the Wireless Wifi Problems Forum where he has posted a huge WifI glossary and every tip and trick you can think of. I can now confidently say we are delivering an enjoyable resourceful community. So how can you help us?

First of all after every news article or review you have a convenient comment button. Use it! We want to hear from you and your thoughts. This area has been a bit frustrating for Jack and I because we rely on comments so we can pass them over to the vendors. So make a comment! Its fun and helpful.

Second, our site has moved over to a quad processor 2gig ram server which has increased the speed of the site tremendously. In order for us to keep the site running fast and seemless please support our Hardware Store. Its the holiday season so why not purchase a nice gadget from our stores?

Third, if you dont have the money why not click on our banners and support our site. Its a small way of supporting those who spend advertising dollars with Dave’s iPAQ and in return keeps some sort of revenue to the site.

In conclusion I just wanted to get some of these items on the table since the past 4-6 months we have been financially hurting. So please if you can support the site and enjoy your visit! The team at Dave’s iPAQ appreciates you stopping by our growing community..

Dave Ciccone, Managing Member, Handheld Marketing Group, LLC, Dave’s iPAQ

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