The More You Know, the Quicker You Go

Federal Highway Administrator Mary Peters joined Georgia DOT Commissioner Harold Linnenkohl in launching yet another function of the “My NaviGAtor” system. NaviGAtor, Georgia’s premier intelligent transportation system unveiled the E-Mail Traffic Alerts service today. Peters was in town to help with the launch of this new initiative designed to help drivers avoid congestion, delays and bottlenecks and stay safe while on the road, especially during this busy holiday season.

“NaviGAtor Traffic Alerts are designed to get real-time traffic information into the hands of as many motorists as possible,” Peters said. “Now motorists can have traffic information delivered directly to them at the times of their choosing, via cell phone, PDA, pager, or computer. All you need is an e-mail address.”

The NaviGAtor Traffic Alerts service provides user-customized e-mail notification of traffic incidents. An extension of the recently-launched “My NaviGAtor” service, traffic alerts are free to registered “My NaviGAtor” users. Motorists can easily sign up for these alerts at

As with the “My NaviGAtor” system, Traffic Alerts service was designed with the customer in mind. Users choose the geographic areas, days and times for which they would like to receive incident notification.

“Motorists commute at different times of day, along different routes, with different strategies for avoiding congestion,” said Commissioner Linnenkohl. “We designed this service to allow each motorist to focus on the areas and times of day most relevant to their commute.”

The Georgia NaviGAtor service has expanded over the last year to reach the ever-increasing numbers of Georgia motorists. “My NaviGAtor” was created to help daily commuters quickly assess conditions along their routes before getting into their vehicles. This unique system offers a comprehensive approach to getting the information to the customer wherever they may be–at home, at the office or on the road.

A wireless version of the NaviGAtor Web site reaches Georgia motorists while they’re on the go. Plasma display screens have been placed in Welcome Centers to reach out-of-state motorists as they pass through the state.

“With Traffic Alerts, we hope to reach even more motorists. The easier we make it for motorists to monitor traffic conditions, the more likely it will be for motorists to avoid traffic back-ups, saving themselves time and money and helping us to reduce overall congestion,” Linnenkohl said.

Georgia Department of Transportation

Vicki Gavalas, 404-463-6464 (cell) 404-520-7587 or Karlene Barron, 404-463-6460


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