WebIS Mail

IMAP Support!

Professional users with a corporate network will truly enjoy being able to access their IMAP Accounts via Microsoft’s Exchange Server. Unfortunately, I do not have access to any Exchange Servers to test out the functionality of this feature. However, after numerous conversations with the author, I was very impressed by the amount of time and code that they had dedicated to this single function. I am certain that this function alone will make this product worthwhile to our professional/corporate readers.

Screenshot courtesy of the folks at WebIS.


PROs · Support for IMAP services! · Auto-expand for Folders with new Mail! · Support for External Storage (SD cards or MicroDrives!) · Multiple “connection” options (if “Work” fails, it will automatically try to access “The Internet”).


· No Rules or Filtering that could be used to sort my incoming mail. NOTE: The folks at WebIS did advise me that this option is not only past the planning stages, but is also currently being worked on for a future release). · The “installer” does not offer to automatically adjust ActiveSync to allow the user to enable synchronizing of Sent Items folder in POP3 accounts. Having said that, I have noticed that MAIL 2 sometimes utilizes the ActiveSync choices already in use for the default Inbox client.


Author Company: WebIS Current Version: Version 2.06 (although a “beta” of 2.1 is widely available)

Website: WebIS (http://www.webis.net)

URL for Mail 2: Mail 2 (http://www.webis.net/p_webismail.php)

Cost: $24.95

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.