Windows Mobile 5.0

Today May 10, 2005 Bill Gates officially has introduced the latest Microsoft Operating System (OS) for mobile devices like Pocket PC and Smartphones, during his keynote speech at the Mobile and Embedded Developers Conference 2005.

The main difference between Pocket PC and Smartphone platforms now is the touch screen interface on Pocket PC devices and Smartphones. Now users of Microsoft Smartphone and PocketPC Phone will enjoy the same interface. Microsoft has added two new “soft keys” at the bottom of the screen, where usually the user would select their input methods (Keyboard, Letter Recognizer, ETC). These soft keys are similar to those found in Smartphones, but can be activated with taps on the screen, when used on a Pocket PC.

The new features will include the ability to truly design spreadsheets, word documents with rich capabilities to support tables. Microsoft now has branded the new office suite as Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, PowerPoint Mobile, Outlook Mobile and Internet Explorer Mobile.

Users should also note Windows Media Player 10 Mobile now supports album art, play lists and synchronization with Windows Media Player 10 on the desktop a feature many of us always wanted to see. Activesync 4.0 has some new updated functionality with Fast USB 2.0 support, Bluetooth support and support for pictures with contacts. Windows Mobile 5 also has updated Internet Explorer giving users full screen viewing (3 options), download progress bar and save images

Press Release

Windows Mobile Screenshot Gallery

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