04-17-2005, 06:15 PM   #1

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Inconsistencies with the h3765

Hi. I posted a long, then edited post, which I’ve now deleted. Reason why? Severe inconsistencies with this model. My first problem is occassional digitizer problems. My second problem came after my expansion sleeve and 1gb CF card arrived. I ended up having to drain the battery and then do a hard reset (thanks re the link to the switch on lower left). Then the digitizer failed again. I had to do it about 30 times before it took. Then, I go to select Programs, and the Digitizer is still off. So, I use joystick(?) to get to that part of the PDA and successfully digitize this time around. Right now, I am watching Swat, which was included (along with RealPlayer) with the CF card. No time to watch the entire movie, however. My next plan is to attempt to see if my WiFi card will work, and if BetaPlayer and movies that I encoded will work. Should I expect this many problems with this older device? What should I do if the digitizer fails again? Thanks much,

Robin T.

__________________ Robin T. HP iPAQ 4355 Viewsonic V37 (beta-testing PPC) Palm Zire 72 and Tungsten T C Tapwave Zodiac 2, w/Sandisk WiFi Sharp Zaurus SL-5500, w/CF WiFi

HP 3765, with data pack and 1gb CF card

04-18-2005, 10:28 AM   #2



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Well, the unit is over 3 years old now. I would not expect it to be completely trouble free after 3 years of use. Have you had this unit since new? Did you aquire this unit recently? Can you verify that the unit was working well in the recent past? Has it been dropped recently? I too have a 3765 which I bought when the model was new. I too had a round of problems with the digitizer and was able to fix it myself. For me the problem was not the digitizer itself, but a hairline crack in the case and was fixed by replacing my case. I was able to buy the case shell online for $15 US. Took me about 30 minutes to swap out the case. Could have done it faster but I was going slow and carefull to avoid any accidents. I still use this model today as a dedicated GPS unit. I leave it in my NavMan GPS Sleeve and that is the only thing it is used for. I spent last week in Columbia Maryland and Washington DC. Took the 3765 with me to help me navigate around and it worked flawlessly. It helped me find my way to all the historic sites in DC.

So, to me the 3765 is still a usefull model. If the digitizer fails again and you really want to keep using it, you can try fixing it yourself (if you are technically inclined) or sending it in to a repair shop. Parts can be found from serveral sources. Here on Dave’s iPAQ we recommend Pocket PC Tech’s. They can sell you the parts or perform the repair.

A quick visit to Pocket PC Tech’s website shows that they will replace the touch screen (aka the digitizer) for $79 US.

Good Luck,

__________________ Reidan Moderator, Dave’s iPAQ Dave’s iPAQ is not affiliated with HP

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Last edited by Reidan : 04-18-2005 at 10:31 AM.

04-18-2005, 03:15 PM   #3

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Location: Massachusetts

Posts: 57

Thanks for the reply and for the link, Reidan. I *do* feel this 3765 has value, and if changing out the touchsceen for that price might do the trick, I think it’s worth the money.


__________________ Robin T. HP iPAQ 4355 Viewsonic V37 (beta-testing PPC) Palm Zire 72 and Tungsten T C Tapwave Zodiac 2, w/Sandisk WiFi Sharp Zaurus SL-5500, w/CF WiFi

HP 3765, with data pack and 1gb CF card

04-18-2005, 03:24 PM   #4



Join Date: Jun 2004

Location: Atlanta, Ga.

Posts: 1,193

If it continues to fail I would go ahead and contact the guys at Pocket PC Techs. They will want you to ship them the unit so that they can diagnose the exact failure and give you a firm price for repair. They are good guys and will treat you fairly.

__________________ Reidan Moderator, Dave’s iPAQ Dave’s iPAQ is not affiliated with HP

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