Sony Vaio U-71

The U-71 has some cool software add-on that help the user navigate the device without using the keyboard. Some of the features are brightness control. If you look at the photo you will notice a key that shows the sun once pressed you will notice a brightness control panel pop up. You also notice the pen button which will bring up your onscreen keyboard along with a cool wrench that opens the tool box. On the right side of the unit you have two keys. One of the keys lets you rotate the screen either portrait or landscape. The other key allows the user to select 5 different screen resolutions 640×480, 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1600×1200. I really enjoyed this feature since it allowed me to get more working space when I needed it and also allowed me to adjust my resolution for my presentation when I was using a projector.

The U-71 has some cool software add-on that help the user navigate the device without using the keyboard. Some of the features are brightness control. If you look at the photo you will notice a key that shows the sun once pressed you will notice a brightness control panel pop up. You also notice the pen button which will bring up your onscreen keyboard along with a cool wrench that opens the tool box. On the right side of the unit you have two keys. One of the keys lets you rotate the screen either portrait or landscape. The other key allows the user to select 5 different screen resolutions 640×480, 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1600×1200. I really enjoyed this feature since it allowed me to get more working space when I needed it and also allowed me to adjust my resolution for my presentation when I was using a projector.

Windows XP Experience

DVD playback is absolutely fabulous using the included Vaio branded version of WinDVD 5.  The XBRITE screen makes watching a movie on the U71 a pleasure, with no pauses whatsoever, excellent color fidelity with black being true black, and a fast responsive LCD screen that never blurred during the fastest of scenes. Remember this is a full Windows XP computer so whatever you can do on your computer you can do here! The built in speaker is loud, but not annoyingly so. Without trying very hard, the U750P is a very capable media machine. Battery life is the pleasant surprise here provided you are using the large capacity battery, you can expect at least 6 hours of performance provided you use the power management features. The U-71  802.11b/g wireless worked perfectly for me and with very good range as well, in both my office and at home, connectivity was at least as good as what I have seen with the iPAQ 4700. One thing I wish was that this device come bundled with TabletPC version of Windows XP since it would make a perfect fit for the form factor.

Overall Conclusion

The Sony U-71 definitely is my “ideal” PC. The U-71 has quickly become my “standard” computing device, proving that it is more mobile than my laptop.  The more I use the U-71; I began to wonder who is the ideal U-71P owner? Well, anyone that wants one of the smallest and lightest computers available today is a good start.  I can think of many vertical market opportunities for the U-71 in medicine, sales, manufacturing, and engineering, to name only a few; but I don’t think these markets are what Sony had in mind when they released the U-71. All I know is that the U-71 fits my needs just perfectly. So if you are looking for the lightest PC with full capabilities of a Windows XP computer then the U-71 is your device! As I have always said, if Pocket PC manufacturers continue to raise the price of their products and still leave the end user wanting features, then the ultra-portable will be a true force to be reckoned with.  

Watch the Daves iPAQ Video Overview

Order your Sony Vaio U-71 Now

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