05-17-2005, 06:32 PM   #1

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ipod vs sd card for music? ive got a choice: ipod mini, or a 1GB or 2GB secure digital card to download music on my ipaq. theyve both got their pros and cons…which one shud i get?

Question: if you have songs downloaded on kazaa or sumthin on ur comp, can u download those directly from ur comp to ur SD card in ur pocket PC?

05-17-2005, 06:47 PM   #2



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That is a good question. In my opinion my iPod sounds a lot better than my iPAQ, I currently run the 6300. What iPAQ are you using? It is a matter of choice. I know a lot of folks in this community love to use their iPAQ’s to listen to music. The other benefit is that the SD card will give you added storage for files and applications on your iPAQ.
You can easily transfer files from your computer to the SD card on your iPAQ through activesync so that should not be a problem.

__________________ Steve Moderator, Dave’s iPAQ Dave’s iPAQ is not affiliated with HP

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05-17-2005, 07:25 PM   #3

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I’d go with the 2GB SD card. I’m currently using a 1GB, and have a 2GB on backorder which i use for music. I like that you can use the iPaq for so many other things than just music. Yes, the iPod has greater storage, and in some cases greater sound quality. But i’d personaly rather sacrifice a bit of Storage/Sound Quality if that means that i can also Check my email, or surf the web while using my bluetooth headphones, and be able to keep it all in one device. iPods are great for what they offer, but i think iPaqs have a greater value as they offer so much more.
To transfer songs you can easily Drag-and-Drop through Explorer to the SD card, or you can use Media Player to sync the content with the iPaq (this includes syncing music license etc)

05-17-2005, 07:30 PM   #4

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well i hv a ipaq 3115, i think its has either 32 or 64 MB built in…

05-18-2005, 01:05 PM   #5

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Well I would opt for the 1gb or 2gb card for the same reasons mentioned above. You can use it for music, or lets say you want to store some photos you took with your iPAQ (if you have a camera). You can use it to move other files around. I got a 2210 and got a 1gb SD card (on sale for $49 after rebates) man was that worth and I love it.

05-18-2005, 01:38 PM   #6



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So I vote for the IPAQ – I have 21/2 GB of SD cards with music and movies. I did buy a friend the iPod shuffle. She wanted something for when she went running and this was just ideal. I don’t listen to music when I run, otherwise I would get a iPod shuffle for myself.

__________________ Laura Moderator, Dave’s iPAQ Dave’s iPAQ is not affiliated with HP

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05-18-2005, 02:10 PM   #7

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iPod is specifically for music. All there is on and iPod is music (and maybe games and photos). The point is that if you really like listening to music all the time, you should get an iPod. I like listening to music and I have many CD’s on my, only, 512MB mem card. To listen music on the iPaq, you have to go through the programs and files to play your music, while on the iPod you just have to scroll a few times. Weigh the differences and see what is best. (Remember, though, on the 1/2 GB mem cards, you don’t have to only store music…). Think of how you are going to work with each one and what will simply not be a waste of money. Personally, I would go with the memory card, because it is on the iPaq that you have many applications and everything will be close to you (you wont have to carry and iPaq and iPod), and because you can store many things on the memory card.

05-18-2005, 07:07 PM   #8

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Wow usually this type of question starts a big ol flame war. The same as any other debate, it’s all in how you want to use the device. I find listening to music on my ipaq is perfectly acceptable ( I mean they’re MP3’s they’re never going to sound perfect). I just don’t like taking my ipaq with me in situations were it can get messed up (like working out), so I might invest in a little MP3 thumb drive or something.

If that memory card is going to be mostly for music, why not invest in an mp3 player that can use SD cards? Then you could just swap the card back and forth. It would probably still be cheaper than an ipod.

05-18-2005, 11:28 PM   #9

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Originally Posted by Michaelk

I’d go with the 2GB SD card. I’m currently using a 1GB, and have a 2GB on backorder which i use for music. I like that you can use the iPaq for so many other things than just music. Yes, the iPod has greater storage, and in some cases greater sound quality. But i’d personaly rather sacrifice a bit of Storage/Sound Quality if that means that i can also Check my email, or surf the web while using my bluetooth headphones, and be able to keep it all in one device. iPods are great for what they offer, but i think iPaqs have a greater value as they offer so much more.
To transfer songs you can easily Drag-and-Drop through Explorer to the SD card, or you can use Media Player to sync the content with the iPaq (this includes syncing music license etc)

Michael, couldn’t have said it better myself. I looked into buying an ipod but decided against it. I had a problem playing streaming music from the SD card on my 4700 but with pocket music software, all is well.

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