12-12-2004, 07:49 PM   #61

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Originally Posted by Laura

So does that make me an expert on bluetooth 🙁

Well, as far as I’m concerned, it does! Thanks again


12-12-2004, 07:55 PM   #62

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We think Laura is an expert too!!

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12-12-2004, 07:56 PM   #63



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Hey you guys – you’re so great.
Regards, Laura

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12-13-2004, 12:33 AM   #64



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So now I’ve decided that I must be a bluetooth expert I had my Motorola HS810 connected happily to my ipaq but not my PC. I have a EVO NC4010. When I looked at bluetooth services, I could not see a service for audio headset so I sort of gave up !! Well I went in to ‘Help and Support’ , typed in ‘Bluetooth headset’ expecting the normal non-helpful response, and it actually took me to the HP link that explained that Compaq and HP notebooks did not support headsets but here’s the update to add the support. So I downloaded the update and now here I am able to use my HS810 on my PC as well as my IPAQ. It’s also really easy to switch between the two. Totally cool !!!


__________________ Laura Moderator, Dave’s iPAQ Dave’s iPAQ is not affiliated with HP

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12-14-2004, 07:15 PM   #65

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Bluetrek-G2 headset compatability


Originally Posted by JoefromNJ

Anyone know if the BlueTrek G2 is compatible?

I have the bluetrek G2 headset and I am as happy as a lark. I previously used the Jabbra 250 and the Motorola (any) headsets and was dissapointed with connection as well as distance from headset usage. Apparently both of these lose connection if your 6315 goes into sleep mode. The BTG2 however rarely unpartners and when it does I usually have to do a soft reset only, with the headset nearby. Sometimes just tapping the icon in bluetooth>my short cuts and scrolling to connect on the drop down does the trick. I can use it all day however without needing to do this. I highly recommend it as it has reduced the burn in my stomach from using the other two.

Last edited by drlea : 12-14-2004 at 07:18 PM.

12-15-2004, 01:35 AM   #66

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This list is in flux. According to HP, (I got there after a 90 minute round of stump the technician at t-mobile!) there is a new bluetooth driver on the way. HP tried to release it on 7 December, but discovered incompatability issues and pulled it off the T-Mobile web site. There are a whole list of different headset compatability issues on the HP web site. Note: their list of comaptible headsets and T-Mobiles do not fully correspond.

For instance, I am using a Motorola GS810 which is supposed to be one of the more compatiblehead sets, however the 6315 will think it is connected when it wakes up, such as when I get an incoming call – and route all audio through the headset, but the headset no longer works though it is still shown as connected. Turning the headset on / off will not resolve (most times). Working through bluetooth manager – it shows as being connected but no soap. Only solution is to reset iPAQ. Probably better off ignoring bluetooth headsets until the situation becomes more stable. For me it was a waste of $90!!

12-29-2004, 12:59 PM   #67

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Music Bluetooth I wanted a bluetooth headphone to listen to music. Got the HP and it did not work. Iphono works well.


01-03-2005, 10:32 PM   #68

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I have had the new Logitech Cordless Freedom for about 6 weeks now. I was previously using the Jabra BT250, with tons of lockups. The Logitech is the perfect solution. Good sound quality, and no lockups. I can even talk using it while driving with my windows down.

01-04-2005, 11:49 AM   #69

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Well, I spoke with TMo PDA support last night. The gentleman I spoke with said they received an email last week stating that the Bluetooth patch is about 15 to 20 days from release. I truly hope he was telling the truth, and not trying to blow smoke up my ***! I really like this device. The three things that would make it as close to perfect as possible (for me personally) would be: 1. Bluetooth fixed 2. Less lockups requiring a soft reset 3. IR Remote control that works with the processor and IRDA


01-10-2005, 10:47 PM   #70

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Motorola HS810 Ipaq 6315 and TMobile WORKS

I can now say that the HS810 has full functionality with my 6315. I wanted to post my issue to assist any others that may have had my same problem. Issue: With BT headset in standby mode (boom closed) I could not accept a call from the headset. All other BT features worked correctly. I could accept a call by pressing accept on the Ipaq then selecting the multifunction button on the headset. After multiple calls to 2nd and 3rd level support with T-mobile with no resolution. I finally went out on a limb. I called T-mobile and asked them to extend the number of rings before Voicemail picks up. (Can you believe this is not a user definable option). The default voicemail timeout is 20 seconds. I had them change it to the maximum of 30 seconds. And it was magic. All is now working. I now assume that it was taking a few extra seconds for the BT to sync when I opened the boom. By the time it had sync, Voicemail had already redirected the call.

Hope this helps

01-11-2005, 05:48 PM   #71

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Bluetrek G2


Originally Posted by David Ciccone

Some of the compatible bluetooth headsets are Nokia HDW-2, Allways, Motorola HS810, Sony Ericsson HBH-35,Ericsson HBH-20, Gold Lantern Super Talk hands-free, Gold Lantern Micro Talk Multi-tooth 3.3, Logitec HS01, Belkin Bluetooth Hands-Free Headset, Plantronics M2500, M3000, ATA BT 25 and the BT200.

Dave, i bought a Bluetrek G2, and I cant seem to pair it w/ my ipaq 6315. Has this been a problem with this phone? Are there any compatible Bluetooth Headset for 6315? thanks


01-13-2005, 07:46 PM   #72

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Terrific Tip


Originally Posted by PineTreeForest

Steps to Pair the iPAQ 6315 and Jabra BT250 I was able to get my BT250 to work with my 6315 after some trial and error. Here are the details and steps that worked for me: 1. Terms: a. Cycle Bluetooth – Do the following steps: i. Open the ‘iPAQ Wireless’ program ii. If iPAQ Bluetooth is ON, turn it OFF iii. Turn iPAQ Bluetooth ON NOTE: Sometimes, once you successfully set up your Bluetooth paring with the BT250, you may need to open the iPAQ manager, select (TAP and hold) the BT250 icon, and select “Connectâ€? to connect the BT250 once again. I have seen this after completing the Cycle Bluetooth steps given here. 2. iPAQ Settings: a. Make sure iPAQ Bluetooth is ON b. Open iPAQ ‘Bluetooth Settings’ c. TAP the ‘Accessibility’ tab d. Make sure that ONLY ‘Allow other devices to connect’ and ‘Other devices can discover me’ are checked. Make sure the ‘All devices’ radio button is selected. e. TAP the ‘Services’ tab f. TAP the ‘Hands Free’ service in the list box g. Make sure ONLY ‘Enable service’ and ‘Authentication (Passkey) required’ are checked h. TAP ‘OK’ i. Cycle Bluetooth (see terms at top for description). 3. Jabra BT250 Discovery Preparation: NOTE: There are two sections in my BT250 manual with respect to pairing. The first is titled, ‘”Pair” to your Bluetooth phone’. The second is titled, ‘Enhanced features…’ Follow the steps for the first, ‘”Pair” to your Bluetooth phone’. Do not worry; the iPAQ will discover the hands-free features. 4. iPAQ Manager: a. Make sure iPAQ Bluetooth is ON b. Open iPAQ ‘Bluetooth Manager’ c. TAP on the ‘New’ menu pick d. TAP on ‘Hands-free/Headset setup’ in the list that is displayed e. If you have not done step 3 (above), then do so to prepare the Jabra BT250 for discovery. Remember, the BT250 blue light should be showing a solid color, or else it has reset and you need to turn the BT250 off and start the BT250 discovery all over (step 3 above). f. TAP ‘Next’ g. In the ‘Bluetooth Connection Wizard’ window, an icon for the ‘JABRA BT250’ should appear. TAP this icon. h. The ‘Bluetooth authentication’ window will appear. Enter the passkey of ‘0000’ (4 zeros) and ENTER i. It will say ‘“Hands-free / Headset setup completed!’. TAP the ‘Finish’ icon. j. Optional: Adjust the settings by selecting (TAP and hold) the JABRA BT250 icon and TAP on the ‘Hands-free Settings…’ menu pick. In my case, I have both check boxes checked. 5. iPAQ Bluetooth security – optional: a. Make sure iPAQ Bluetooth is ON b. Open iPAQ ‘Bluetooth Settings’ c. TAP the ‘Accessibility’ tab d. TAP the ‘Paired devices only’ radio button e. TAP on ‘OK’ f. Cycle Bluetooth (see terms at top for description).

NOTE: Unlike what I read in various groups on the internet, Microsoft Voice Command does work over the BT250. I still initiate it using an iPAQ key.

This was exactly what I needed to know and it worked perfectly the first time I went through the checklist– thanks very much for that posting.

01-14-2005, 08:25 PM   #73

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h6315 bluetooth/headset

Postings on IPAQ h6315 forums on hp.com (hewlett packard) confirm chronic problems with bluetooth implementation on h6315, particularly as relates to headsets. Specifically there are many owners reporting the unit freezes when it enters standby mode when bluetooth is turned on. Appears the problem is unrelated to the particular headset device, but is a problem with the compatibility of the bluetooth stack on the device. Unclear whether this is related to the release of the drivers, or a device issue. Several users report t-mobile/hp have indicated that an upgrade is in process, but this has not been forthcoming and is overdue. Cannot confirm this information – I just bought mine and have not called tech support at either company to confirm. Trying to decide whether to return it.

01-17-2005, 01:05 PM   #74

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For what it’s worth, I have a Sony Ericsson HB660 and it works as advertised with the H6315. I had tried Jabra BT200, Motorola HS810, and Motorola HS820 and all seemed to have the “incoming callers cannot hear me” issue.

Again, for what it’s worth.

01-28-2005, 11:58 AM   #75

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clip on headset

has anyone tried a clip on headset like the Sony HBH-200 or Nokia HS-3W with the 6315? My husband has tried a number of headsets but people always have trouble hearing him. He thinks its because he has a larger sized head & the mouth pieces are too far from his mouth on normal headsets. So I thought maybe one of these clip ons would work – any ideas or other suggestions?

02-01-2005, 11:13 AM   #76

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Originally Posted by Username

I have the iPAQ h6315 and the BT Motorola HS810 through T-MO, I am having trouble with the headset device, when I take it out of range I need to turn the BT off then back on to get it to work again. T-Mo Tech support mentioned that they are have trouble with all of the BT headsets with the Motorola being the least troublesome. I don’t know if it just the provider or with all of them, has anyone else had any issues like this?

i had the same problem with all motorola’s and even an hp model. i just bought a Gold Lantern Super Talk hands-free and so far so good. [1 day]. i will keep you updated.

02-03-2005, 03:50 AM   #77

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Plantronics M2500 isn’t 100% compatible Hi everyone, I have an ipaq 6315 that i use with a Plantronics M2500 and i found so many problems. The headset and the ipaq disconnect frequentely or the headset swith off without any reason for many times a day…I send an email to Plantronics and to Hp for describe the problem. Plantronics said is a know issue and Hp said that they not guarantee compatibility for not hp products.(That’s weird coz Plantronics M2500 is the suggested headphone in Hp site) I hope that this thread will be usefull… Gabry


Originally Posted by David Ciccone

Some of the compatible bluetooth headsets are Nokia HDW-2, Allways, Motorola HS810, Sony Ericsson HBH-35,Ericsson HBH-20, Gold Lantern Super Talk hands-free, Gold Lantern Micro Talk Multi-tooth 3.3, Logitec HS01, Belkin Bluetooth Hands-Free Headset, Plantronics M2500, M3000, ATA BT 25 and the BT200.

02-06-2005, 02:56 PM   #78

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logitech mobile freedom

i think i downloaded one of the bt patches mentioned earlier and I’m still testing it out. One thing that I noticed is that if i am using the headsheet and the phone rings, i can only hear the ring through the headset. is there a way to also hear it on the phone itself. also- two unrelated issues- 1) if i send an SMS to someone they recieve it, but if i open one of their repsonses and hit reply, they don’t seem to get the message. I notice that my phone adds a +1 to the number in that case. I changed my dial settings, but to no avail.

2) is there a way to sync items on and SD card to my pc?

02-14-2005, 04:33 PM   #79

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The real scoop about blkuettoth and 63xx

Ive bought the 6315 in July thourgh T-Mobile as an upgrade from my pocket pc with only 1 thought in mind – bluetooth and voice recognition. I then purchased the iphone sport (stereo headphone) thinking that i would be set for life listening to my mp3’s and being able to use the push to talk to use voice recogntion to look up any phone number and dial. I pushed the envelope too hard. While pairing occured, the quality was dismal and the mike didnt work at all. So I defaulted to simpilier technology and bought the jabra 250 so i could at least use the phone: multiple hangups of the pocket pc and lousy reception. I then contacted T Mobile nad asked what gives. They said that the 1.0 drivers dont work well with a lot of the 1.1 and later headphones. I asked when upgrade? They said talk to HP. Hp said it wont and talk to T Mobile. T Mobile says they do not anticipate offering a 1.1 or higher upgrade on the 6315 – EVER. So they gave me a Nokia 6600 and told me they were sorry for misrepresenting a product. Now the 6315 gathers dust and the Nokia does voice recognition, lets me pair my stereo bluetooth to my ipod so i can listen to tunes and when a call come in, it just interrupts and switches seamlessly from ipod to phone, and when i want to start a call while listening to ipod, i just push the button on the headphone and tell it who i want to call. Life is good – but without an ipaq. sorry guys. great concept, but not ready for primetime.

02-16-2005, 10:03 AM   #80

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Originally Posted by Username

I have the iPAQ h6315 and the BT Motorola HS810 through T-MO, I am having trouble with the headset device, when I take it out of range I need to turn the BT off then back on to get it to work again. T-Mo Tech support mentioned that they are have trouble with all of the BT headsets with the Motorola being the least troublesome. I don’t know if it just the provider or with all of them, has anyone else had any issues like this?

Yes, I had the same exact problem with my 810 so I purchased a Motorola HS850, that is right an 850. It is a little bit better but it is still unreliable, therefore the end result is that I tossed it in the corner and have no faith in bluetooth. Actually the HP6315 is garbage in general. Everything HP is claiming their phone has looks good on advertisements but does not work consistently.

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