Dave Ciccone to co-host John Iasiuolo’s Computer Outlook Radio Talk Show

If you have never tuned in before, this is worth the time.

Dave Ciccone, owner of Dave’s iPAQ, will be co-hosting, along with Q-man, on John Iasiuolo’s Computer Outlook Radio Talk Show

Dave, along with Q-man, will talk about podcasting, pocket pc and all geeky gadet stuff. Today at 8pm Eastern Standard Time.

This is a live text-chat and call-in show, so you can use the chat room, phone in, or email questions for on-the-air answers! (Check Web site for phone number and email address.) The show is streamed live over the Internet. Check out the live streaming audio link on the site’s home page or the link in the chat room.

Click here for the John Iasiuolo’s Computer Outlook Radio Talk Show Click here for the Computer Outlook Chat Room

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