Astraware’s Alchemy


Alchemy is based on the premise that you prefer the type of game that is not a mindless distraction. A great deal of thinking has to go into the strategies you utilize as the player. Like most games, there is level progression and the game does get more difficult the further you get in the game.


The layout is that of a grid, 9 squares wide and 8 squares tall. Your job is to fill-in all of the squares at least once with various symbols that the game kicks out randomly. The general logic is that you can place same colored symbols next to each other, or same shaped symbols next to each other, or both. But (you knew there was a catch somewhere, right?), you cannot place objects together as listed above if any OTHER bordering squares are occupied by DIFFERENT colors or DIFFERENT shaped symbols! And that, folks, is what makes this a Thinking-Person’s game!


I found the game to be very addicting. I got up to level six on the easy games, but the Hard section I have yet to get past level two. This game will remain on this reviewers iPAQ until he can get past level 5 or so on the HARD difficulty setting.


To occupy your spare time when you are waiting for a bus or waiting in the doctor’s office. The game can be “Paused”, which means you can “X” out of the game and when you next restart the game, it’ll pick-up where you were last. This function does not allow for Soft-Resets. I have enjoyed the pause function as I can come back to the game at a later time and pickup where I left-off.

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