Astraware’s Alchemy


There is an important factor in games that needs to be considered. I call it the “Addiction Factor”, and I will be rating this and all the future games I review with this category in mind. This game is very addictive, but thankfully it only extended to my spare time. I have been unfortunate enough to play games that are so addictive that when your name is called at the doctor’s office, you just don’t go in. Or, you miss that bus you were waiting for. I consider that an unhealthy level of addiction, and thankfully this game falls well within this reviewer’s “healthy” addictive level… It’s interesting enough though, where you might find yourself extending the amount of spare time you have, but I did not encounter any situations where it became too serious.


This game is exceedingly fun, and accounts for a great deal of my spare time when I’m out and about. The logic level is high enough that I have to think while I play, so it’s definitely not a brain-dead game that you can play without thinking.


Great graphics. Superb symbol collection, especially on the Hard levels. Music can be adjusted by main volume control, and stopped entirely. Game is pausable.




Author Company: Astraware Current Version: Version 2.3 Company Website: Astraware (

URL for Product: Alchemy (




4.8 out of 5.

You can find Alchemy here.

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