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Cirond PocketWinC

SOME ISSUES TO CONSIDER: 1.) PocketWinc likes to have access to your Wireless Adapter when it is initially…

Cirond PocketWinC

p> Name: Name of the file you wish to use. Name of the folder you wish to store…

Cirond PocketWinC

NOW YOU’VE FOUND A NEW HOTSPOT, NOW WHAT? Once you’ve found a Hotspot you want to connect to,…

Cirond PocketWinC

PRODUCT CLAIMS: “What it does: With PocketWinC, you can see your entire wireless network at a glance. PocketWinC…

HP iPAQ h6300

It is Monday July 26th at 6:00am in the morning and my new iPAQ h6300 alarm goes off…
While Michael is correct that a company’s first obligation is to its stockholders, he has missed a crucial…

WebIS Mail

IMAP Support! Professional users with a corporate network will truly enjoy being able to access their IMAP Accounts…

WebIS Mail

Accounts (“Services”) Of course, Mail 2 supports POP Servers (e.g. POP3), as well as IMAP Servers (see below).…