ChatGPT Shatters Attendance Record: Over 100 Million Visitors Within Two Days of Launching GPT-4o

Record Traffic as OpenAI’s AI Model GPT-4o Launches

The unveiling of OpenAI’s new artificial intelligence model, GPT-4o, has led to a substantial surge in traffic to the ChatGPT platform. Within two days of the announcement, Similarweb’s analytics reportedly showed over 100 million people visiting the site. Current projections estimate that the total number of visitors for the month may surpass the 2 billion user mark, breaking the previous record of 1.8 billion visitors in May 2023.

According to Similarweb, an average of “17.8 million visitors per day for the first 17 days of May has been recorded. If the trend continues at the same pace, the total visitors for the month would reach 2.3 billion. The previous monthly record was 1.8 billion visitors in May 2023. Even if the traffic decreases in the final weeks of the month, it is highly probable that the number of visitors will exceed 2 billion.”

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The GPT-4o model, according to OpenAI’s technical director Mira Murati, is faster and has improved text, image, and sound capabilities than its predecessor while maintaining the intelligence of GPT-4. She steadily upheld that progress in this field is moderating the future scenario of interactivity to become more natural and straightforward. The fully inclusive approach from OpenAI ensures that all users of the ChatGPT bot, including the non-paying ones, can work with GPT-4o.

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