Dave’s Ipaq – Abacus by Fossil @ Dave’s iPAQ

Navigating the options on the watch are relatively easy thanks to the button scheme that moves back and forth between watch screens, with an enter button to access messages and a channel button to switch between category information. If you’ve ever used a digital watch before, you’ll be used to the other basic features of the watch, such as alarm, chronograph and timer. People with large hands will probably like the fact that these buttons are much larger than other conventional watches, so other users will probably need to get used to just how these feel to comfortably access options.

Microsoft has definitely come through in their original claims for SPOT technology, as far as Smart watches are concerned. With over 20 different information partners and growing, the MSN Direct service allows users to stay plugged in from almost anywhere. The ability to synch with Outlook’s calendar is worth the price alone. The instant message functionality provides a new level of accessibility. The Abacus is a snap to setup, though the adjustment of the watch itself can be tricky at times. The styling is simple and comparable to the majority of sport watches on the market. Women may dislike the large size of the Abacus, while most gadget-crazy men will love it. Only time will tell whether people will embrace Smart watches or write them off as a fad. I’m definitely an early adopter and find the functionality of the Abacus and MSN Direct service a true asset in my everyday life.

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