Dave’s Ipaq – DKToday — A Cool Plug-in for Your Pocket PC Phone @ Dave’s iPAQ

I’m always looking for “cool” plug-ins that do a much needed task and are not obtrusive. I found one today that I liked that I thought I’d share with you…and of course, it is free!

DKToday takes minimal space (3 lines) on the Today screen. What do you see? The carrier name, a signal meter, missing calls that you can call back by tapping on the telephone icon, and usage for the day, month and sent SMSs.

You have the ability to set your usage levels (1 second, N seconds or 1 minute), the day of the month when the bill starts and free numbers (so that they aren’t counted against your paid time).

This is a pretty cool plug in. I’m still “testing it out” but I felt it was pretty good so that means we let you know about it.

The author indicated that he had a few “minor” problems but I have not experienced those issues on my 6515. It’s worth the look and it’s FREE!

You can find DKToday – v1.73 here. Check it out and let us know what you think.

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