Google SMS

Google SMS is a new service that enables you to search for certain kinds of information with Google from a mobile phone or handheld device (such as an iPAQ 6315), and returns your search results as text messages. Get phone book listings, dictionary definitions, product prices from Froogle, and more.

Google has just introduced this “beta” SMS program. They expect that what you see today will change over time. For those that do not know what SMS is, SMS stands for Short Messaging Service.

Any phone or handheld device that is SMS enabled should work as long as you have a phone or device that’s able to do text messaging or send and receive SMS messages. The new iPAQ 6300 should work fine with this beta program.

When you use Google SMS, you’re sending a specialized query to Google. This could be a query for a phone book listing or the definition of a word or the square root of 7,569. Based on your query, Google determines what specific information you’re looking for and automatically returns the top results.

Google SMS gives you access to information that’s especially helpful when you’re out and about.

This includes:

Phone book listings, including addresses and phone numbers for US businesses and residences

Online product prices for comparison shopping

Answers using Google’s calculator function

Dictionary definitions

Google SMS is different than Google SMS will return text messages only, not the link to web sites you get with And YES, it works with T-Mobile! This is a cool new program that is worth looking into.

You can find more information at Google SMS

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