Looking some fun Podcasts?

Since running our podcasts I have started to enjoy a few podcasts. Some are completely off the pocketpc subject and some talk about TabletPC. If you are looking for some other podcasts here are some of my favorates! Also I will be interviewing Mobile Planet for our Friday podcast so stay tuned you dont want to miss this podcast!

Commute Cast where Kevin Tofel & Barb commute to work while talking tech and havin’ fun! It’s half tech, half personal stories and half of the unexpected! (What does that add up to?)

Techaddiction Podcast For those of you that are addicted to technology…

The TabletPC Show where James Kendrick and Marc Orchant sit down for a solid hour and discuss a wide range of Tablet PC related topics in The Tablet PC Show #3. Join us as we cover everything from an Apple iTablet to the Tablet PC goes to the rodeo. We hope you enjoy the show and ask for your comments, suggestions and any questions you might have about the Tablet PC. We sure had fun recording this show for you so let us know what you think.

Tinyscreenfuls Podcasts from TinyScreenfuls.com. PDAs, Smartphones, and all other forms of mobile gadget geekiness.

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