Microsoft PC Manager Now Strongly Recommends Bing Search Engine

Microsoft’s PC Manager, a user-friendly and free Windows optimization tool, is notably growing in popularity among users due to its recent update. Reports suggest that PC Manager identifies the search engine used in the Edge browser and advises users to switch to Bing if another search engine is selected.

An Unusual Persuasion

The latest data shows that PC Manager’s recent update added a feature that detects which search engine is being used in the Edge browser in Windows 10 and 11. If users employ Google or any other search engine, the application suggests resetting to Bing, the default search engine.

The recommendation seems quite pushy, considering few users would randomly choose Google as a search engine. It’s even more odd coming from a system optimization app. Likely, Microsoft is trying to promote Bing through PC Manager’s suggestions, hoping to encourage users to start using it.

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