Playing Music On The Go? — Then Get Serious!

So do I have any real complaints? No, not really. The appearance is excellent but I certainly would recommend getting rid of the “white” that appears on the back of the m:robe and the cradle. The front of the m:robe is such a design classic that a dark speckled case similar to the iPAQ 4700 would have given the device a “full richness” that something of this quality deserves. White is just too “hospital” looking and really doesn’t give that “manly” look of strength and durability.

The power output is sufficient but I wish it could “crank” just a bit more. With the storage that you get on the m:robe, you will accumulate a huge volume of music files. A noticeable feature that is lacking is the ability to generate a “fresh” play list while you’re out and about. I hope the next iteration includes this feature. Lastly on my wish list would be a case or a clip for attaching the m:robe to your belt.

But with that said, the overall performance of this device deserves serious consideration if you are in the market for a device that is classy, well designed, functional and easy to use and has a huge WOW factor. Olympus did a great job and based upon Olympus’ track record of making improvements, this device will only get better!




Terrific touch-screen interface Excellent m:trip software Very fast transfer of data Displays lyrics to your favorite songs Very durable Ultra-light weight (100g)


Power Output could be stronger Cradle has poor fit No case/clip


4.8 out of 5

You can visit Olympus here.

You can find the Olympus m:robe here.

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