Telegram, the messaging application, has released the 10.9 update, incorporating new features for business profiles. These upgrades come as part of the subscription service, Telegram Premium.
New Features for Business Users
One of the notable new features allows users to create and send welcome messages to new clients. It also offers customization in terms of the recipients of these messages; users can choose to send these either to all personal chats or only to selected ones.
Another boon for business users is the functionality to set a duration after which an automatic message is sent following the last interaction.
Away Status and Automatic Responses
The 10.9 update also features the addition of an “Away” status when the user is offline, with the provision to set automatic responses during this period. The function can be scheduled for a specific time, alongside an option to designate a list of recipients for the “Away” message.
Quick Replies and Operating Hours
Bearing business efficiency in mind, a “Quick Replies” section has been added to facilitate swift dispatch of preset messages via defined commands. This feature supports text formatting and media file attachments.
Another beneficial addition is the “Operating Hours” function. With it, users can detail their working hours throughout each day, or establish a round-the-clock schedule.
Additional Updates
Business profiles now have the facility to indicate their office address. Chatrooms also provide the opportunity to use color-coded tags for ease of navigation within the chat list.
This post was last modified on 03/05/2024