The Message is the Medium

It may hit you when you check your flight departure status as you dash to the airport or when you transfer cash between your bank accounts; as you translate between arabic and english at a meeting or check the winning lottery number; these and many other services no longer require an office visit, computer or even a phone call, thanks to the phenomenal growth in SMS text messaging services.

No longer confined to frivolous flirting and whimsical downloads, SMS Texting has evolved into an essential means of communication, not just between individuals but also enterprises and their customers.

Thumbtips Digits Directory is a new, free service from (The Mobile Directory) offering the missing link for the burgeoning Commercial SMS Text , Text Alerts and Premium Rate Markets. The Directory presents both wireless Consumers and Enterprises with one central place where their needs coincide. As part of its’ bid to be the number 1 resource for SMS texters the Directory even incorporates a handy txt dictionary for on-the-go reference.

Service Providers can list service details and access numbers and Consumers can quickly find that information in a few steps by using their cellphone’s GPRS/WAP facility, or even by SMS query. This interaction represents the best defined marketplace yet for the newest E-Commerce and Information Channel.

The mobile phone is at once the most ubiquitous and the most personalized communication Channel available today and SMS messaging is growing beyond personal exchanges into a Major Channel for marketing, interaction and customer relationship management.

As sms/text services expand, using either shortcodes or premium rate lines, it is increasingly obvious that a directory (similar to White/Yellow pages) and/or search capability (similar to Google) dedicated to such services is necessary. More and more traditional businesses are offering sms as part of their communication portfolio, adding diversity to the saturated phone customisation offerings.

But there is a gap in the Provider to Consumer interface that limits service visibility and results in high promotional expenses and missed user opportunities.

To date, marketers of all sms services have had to rely on media ads, direct marketing or websites to promote them. There was no comprehensive channel of promotion for, or access to, such services (available at point of use: the cellular phone) – until now.

There are far more mobile users than computer users and by definition, as a mobile service, sms/text has to be available to hand anytime, anywhere. Additionally, most sms services require a menu of keywords for different options. What is needed is a directory, searchable by location, service type, name, shortcode/number or company that is accessible from any mobile. If the directory also supplies details of how to use the service (text codes etc) and even codes for particular content, then this adds even more value.

On the Provider side, the benefit of being offered as a response to a user search at the time of need, as opposed to expensive mass promotion and dependency on impulse, is obvious. The branding of the directory service means that providers can now say ‘find us on Thumbtips Digits Directory’ (for example) in their marketing or ad copy, which will reassure consumers that they can access the service anytime and anywhere, without needing to make a note of details. As the Thumbtips Digits Directory brand is built, consumer reliance on it will increase.

Within the Digits Directory, Providers are allocated their own area to upload details of the services they offer and all relevant information, such as network availability, pricing, instructions for use, registration and contact facilities. This is a free facility and entirely at the disposal of the Provider to promote all their services subject to terms of use. Providers are also free to promote their listing in the Directory in their media copy and advertisements.

Mr Errol O’Meally, CEO of UK based Sunset Media Limited which operates the Thumbtips Digits Directory states, “With over 40,000 SMS text and Premium Rate services in the UK alone, many more in Europe and Asia and strong growth in the US, we firmly believe that the Mobile Phone represents the ultimate interface to all the services available on the Internet. From Personal Banking, through News, Leisure activities and diverse content the Mobile Channel is increasingly being used by Enterprises. We offer a comprehensive means of locating and using those services which represents a win/win situation for both Consumers and Enterprises. No longer will Service Providers have to rely solely on expensive marketing to publicise services and no longer will Consumers have to jot down instructions or access numbers. Thumbtips Digits Directory is the SMS Services equivalent of Directory Assistance, right there where you need it, instantly available and free. Consumers can conveniently save instructions to their phones for repeated use and Providers can offer up to date details at a central point and even codes for specific content. We are a small company but we think this is a big idea whose utility to all parties is obvious.”

Thumbtips Digits Directory is a Global Directory which means Providers and Consumers from any Country are free to use it. Services on the Directory are categorized within Geographical regions and Service Type and can be accessed either by number, title, provider name or search terms.

You can visit Thumbtips Digits Directory here.

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