View the Inauguration via WiFi

Open Park’s Inauguration Week hotspot will operate from January 12th to the 22nd at Pershing Park on the north side of Pennsylvania Ave. between 14th and 15th Sts. NW with coverage also available at Freedom Plaza across from City Hall. The hotspot complements Open Park’s current hotspot on Capitol Hill which provides service in front of the Supreme Court and the new Capitol Visitors’ Center.

Hotspot Sites

Capitol Hill – This hotspot provides service on the sidewalk and plaza in front of the Supreme Court and portions of the sidewalk and front steps of the Library of Congress. The service area also extends over 1st Street N.E. and the site now under construction for the Capitol Visitors’ Center.

This site has become popular with Capitol Hill tourists including visiting bloggers (someone who keeps an interactive web diary).

Mid Mall Site – This hotspot is not yet operational. Service is planned in 2005.

To learn more about Open Park, Click here.

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