WeatherBug Global Weather Application

WeatherBug, the leading provider of up-to-the-second live local weather information services, announced today it will bring the company’s exclusive weather data to Microsoft Windows Mobile-based Smartphone customers. Users will now have access to WeatherBug’s live local weather, severe weather alerts, forecasts, radar, camera images and international weather conditions from 200 countries, right on their phones.

WeatherBug’s Windows Mobile-based Smartphone application also connects wireless customers with over 1,000 live cameras from around the U.S. and opens them up to an active community of WeatherBug users who submit photos of their outdoor experiences and severe weather, as it’s happening.

WeatherBug Mobile for Windows Mobile-based Smartphone is available for a one-time charge of $14.95. A three-day “try before you buy” offer is also available. For more information or to subscribe to this new service, visit, Windows Mobile Smartphone,, or

“We have long been the leader in delivering live local weather to at-home and at-work users via television, the Web and through our downloadable desktop application,” Andy Jedynak, Sr. Vice President and General Manager, WeatherBug. “Now thanks to our availability on Windows Mobile-based Smartphones, we endeavor to extend our leadership by offering a new kind of downloadable weather application for wireless devices.”

“The delivery of live weather data to Windows Mobile-based Smartphones is a unique and helpful service for people on the go,” said Daniel Bouie, marketing manager for the Mobile2Market Program at Microsoft Corp. “WeatherBug Mobile is a great example of the compelling applications that can be developed on the familiar, flexible and powerful Windows Mobile platform.”

WeatherBug, available at, had more than 19 million unique visitors in February 2005 and is ranked as a top 10 Internet property in daily reach, according to comScore Media Metrix*, making it the leader in online weather.

About WeatherBug

WeatherBug ( ) ensures that individuals, schools, businesses and communities always get the most precise live weather conditions, the most relevant reports, and the earliest weather warnings to safeguard their property and their lives. WeatherBug owns the world’s largest exclusive weather network, which has 8,000 live WeatherBug Tracking Stations and over 1,000 cameras that generate neighborhood level reports every second versus other weather providers; their data is up to an hour or more old. This network powers various products and services, including: WeatherBug, the number one weather Internet application, with over 60 million downloads, that streams live neighborhood conditions to its home and work users; WeatherBug Media Services, which delivers live weather information to over 80 million U.S. households through partnerships with more than 100 local television stations; WeatherBug Education, which provides engaging weather information and educational tools to schools and colleges, including an online learning program for K-12 schools called WeatherBug Achieve; and WeatherBug Professional Services, which uses the company’s unique weather network and software to provide high-value solutions for vertical industries such as energy, transportation, and first response. WeatherBug is a brand of AWS Convergence Technologies, Inc. .

You can visit WeatherBug here.

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