West coach carries full load with his PocketPC

He plans his practices down to the minute. Game film plays on the family TV like a favorite movie. And if he ever lost his Pocket PC, Corey Edwards’ life just might run amok.

It’s all about order and perfection.

But when you consider everything the 30-year-old has thrown into his life the past two years, keeping order takes quite the effort.

But even with a full load of college courses, a part-time job, an internship and helping raise three daughters — including a newborn — Edwards, who never really wanted to coach a school program, has managed to get his Greeley West girls program up and more than just running.

Read the entire story Here

Quote Its great to see these types of stories showing the PocketPC in sports. How about some NFL coaches starting to use PocketPC’s to communicate to the front offices?

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