What’s a moblog?

There are a lot of great places to visit to pick up information. Some are clearly better than others but that is probably a matter of personal taste on what you think is terrific. I love reading articles that Suzanne Ross write. They are always, clear, concise, interesting and most importantly, informative. Suzanne wrote a neat piece on how to Create Your Own Mobile Blog. In part, she said the following: Quote

First, what’s a moblog? A moblog, or a mobile blog, is an online record of anything you feel like sharing with the world, whether they want it or not. The difference between moblogging and regular blogging is that you use your phone or Pocket PC to post text or pictures.

There are obvious advantages to this. If you get inspired in the middle of a meadow, at your favorite local watering hole, or on a road trip, you won’t have to wait until you can get back to your desktop to send your thoughts and photos to the world.

Though moblogging isn’t new, it has been gaining popularity and attention, though I don’t think the uses of it have been fully explored. It seems a perfect way, for instance, for a real estate agent to show new properties to clients. I’ve been looking around for a house lately, and I’m frustrated by the lack of pictures on real estate sites. If an agent had a mobile blog, she could take pictures and immediately send them to her moblog.

If you want to find out more about moblogging, click HERE to read Suzanne’s tips.

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