Ambitious Fan-Made Fallout 2 Remake Heading to Steam and ‘Rapidly Progressing’

Damion Daponte, the modder leading the development of the fan remake of Fallout 2 using the Fallout 4 engine, gave an interview to The Gamer in which he revealed the team’s recent successes and plans.

It should be noted that the project, known as Fallout 4: Project Arroyo, is positioned by its creators as a remake and reinterpretation of Fallout 2 on the Creation Engine, having development started in 2018.

According to Daponte, Fallout 4: Project Arroyo has been “progressing rapidly” of late. The number of developers working on the fan remake has already reached over 100.

Daponte also hopes to follow in the footsteps of Enderal: Forgotten Stories (a large-scale mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) and release Fallout 4: Project Arroyo on Steam, stating “This platform is accessible to everyone. It simplifies access, updates, and installation.”

However, before a potential Steam release, the creators of Fallout 4: Project Arroyo will need to address all legal issues to avoid problems with Bethesda, whose engine the team is utilising.

In late May, the developers also presented the first concept art of a completely new location that will appear in Fallout 4: Project Arroyo – a radioactive crater in the Californian city of Oakland.

Despite the “rapid progress”, there are currently no release dates for Fallout 4: Project Arroyo. In April, the team displayed a comparison of the remake with the original game, and in February, they showcased location designs and battles.

This post was last modified on 06/04/2024

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